CHAPTER 5: I'm Not That Kind Of A Girl

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When I woke up this morning, Kathleen had brought me in a bowl of cereal a glass of orange juice and some Aleve.

"Good morning." She smiles.

"Good morning." I reply while taking the pills and drinking them down.

"How ya feeling?" She asks.

"Good." I chuckle a little. "I feel like I drank too much last night but I know that I didn't have very much last night." I tell her and then wince as I touch the back of my head where the pain was coming from and feel a bump. "Ow."

"You alright?" She asks concerned. 

"Yeah, I just wish I could remember all that happened. I mean, I remember the party and then on my way back here, I was stopped by two werewolves that looked as though they were going to kill me. I couldn't see too clear but it looked almost like Lecter's wolf and Danny's."

"Oh?" She replies curious.

"It was weird cause out-of-nowhere came this other werewolf who was huge looking but I didn't get too good of a look at it because it was somewhat dark and I was worried at what Lecter was getting ready to do to me." 

"What do you mean, do to you?" Kathleen asks through gritted teeth as she tries holding in her anger. 

"I don't know. But thanks to the other wolf, apparently I wasn't punished so." I finish. "Well, I haven't left my room yet though." I chuckle a little bit as does Kathleen. 

"Well, did you at least have fun with your friends?" She asks.

"Yeah. We had a great time." I replied with a big smile. "It's always great to be with them." 

"Good, I'm glad. But before you go out today to do your chores, I must warn you that because you had gone out on a night you didn't have off, Alpha Boulder would like to speak with you, So you should hurry and meet him in his office because he doesn't like waiting." She smiles and then leaves. 

Holy shit, I am so dead. What if he heard about me sneaking out? Well duh, of course he would have, I'm sure that's why he asked to see me. Okay, I need to think of something to excuse my sneeking out last night with but what?

I hurry and get dressed then start making my way quickly down the hallway towards his office, take a deep breath as soon as I get to the door and begin to open it up slowly.

"Hello?" I asked as I peeked my head through the door.

"Come in." Boulder says without looking up from his laptop and tells me to close the door and then take a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

Once I sit down, I begin to nervously twiddle my thumbs seeing as to how nothing was being said and I was nervous as hell as to what kind of punishment he was going to give me. He is after all the Alpha King and in charge here. 

"E-excuse me, Alpha Boulder?" I asked nervously while not making eye contact. 

I hear him let out a big sigh of frustration and closes his laptop before glaring at me while clenching his teeth. 

"Okay Ruby, how long have you been working here?" He asks me with his hands folded on the desk. 

"A few months." I reply. 

"And were you or were you NOT informed about the rules and how you may not leave when you don't have the next day off or and that night off in particular!" He states. 

"I was. But it was my best friends birthday and I didn't want to miss it." I explain. 

"Would you at least show me the respect in looking at me when I'm talking to you?!" He states.

"I'm not allowed to, Alpha." I remind him. 

"Well, that rule doesn't apply with me. I prefer eye contact while talking with someone." He tells me. 

I hesitate at first and then finally look at him and we right away lock eyes with each other.

"Um..." I began while looking away real quick and clearing my throat. "I'm sorry and I promise it wont happen again." 

"Good." He says sounding a little more at ease. 

We both share another brief moment of silence and then I start to get up. 

"Well, I should really get started on my chores." I tell him and start walking towards the door until I hear him stop me. 

"Hold on! You still need to pay for what you did." I hear him tell me. 

I let out a breath of defeat as I thought I was going to leave with just a slap on the wrist. I then took in a deep breath and let it out before turning back around to look at him as he told me the punishment. What was it going to be? Whipping? A beating?

"Yes Alpha?" I replied while looking down at the ground. 

"You are to do your daily chores while also doing as I tell you to and NOT what my brother tells you." He states. 

"What?" I asked while looking at him surprised. 

"You will do whatever I tell you. For example, if ever you're doing a chore or anything and I ask for you to come and do something for me, you come without questioning." He smirks real quick. 

"What kind of things exactly? Because I'm not that kind of a girl and I know what you Alpha's are like." Right after I said that, with the look on his face, I knew I was dead for sure. 

I swallowed hard and became more nervous when I saw him walking closer towards me and as he got closer, I began bracing myself for a slap or some kind of a hit. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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