CHAPTER 8: Fuck The Promise!

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Where the hell was Ruby? I have been looking for her everywhere and can't smell her scent or anything and it's almost dark out. Is she outside? Has she gone to see her friends? I swear, did she not learn from the other night?

Frustrated, I headed out of my room and saw that my brother and a few of his idiotic pack members, including of course, Danny, were all sitting all over the house with a random girl on their laps and all seemed to be trying to hook up with each other. Especially Marie. Ugh, that skank makes my skin crawl she's so nasty.

I walk into the kitchen and ask Kathleen where Ruby is.

"She went to get some more firewood." She says.

"What?! It's almost dark out not to mention I already chopped  some up wood earlier that are outside in the shed." I exclaim.

"Yeah, well your brother requested for her to do it." She says as she turns and starts helping out a couple of our other servants. 

I began feeling myself feel more irritated and I can't believe he'd send her out in the dark. Not to mention, tonight happens to be the night when the monthly Werewolf fight happens in the woods. All werewolves come to fight and that's including rogues. Which as we all know means that if they smell a human or even see her, they could rip her to shreds. 

So right away, I start running as fast as I could into the woods, worried for the worse. Finally, I was able to smell her scent and I immediately shifted into my werewolf form as soon as I could see others surrounding her on their hind legs circling around her like she's prey. Without hesitation, I quickly jump over them and into the middle in front of her. 

"LEAVE HER ALONE AND GO BACK TO THE FIGHT!" I growl at them through mind-link. 

"FUCK YOU ALPHA! She's ours!" One of the werewolves said. Fucking rogues I swear. No respect for authority.

"Okay. I warned you." I tell them and right away they all try lunging at me right as I quickly push Ruby out of the way as they all begin pouncing on me and trying to bite and claw at me at the same time, all five of them. 

Some of them were successful but nothing that the morning wouldn't have me already healed from by. They were coming from all angles but I was prepared. One of my many abilities as the Alpha King, is I'm able to not just hear more than the others and see further in the distance and in the dark than others, but also my instincts were stronger than theirs as well. Besides, I didn't care, at least they weren't going after Ruby. 

Then after we were finished and they whimpered and limped away, I had turned to where I thought Ruby was at. She looked to have blacked out? That's a normal reaction I suppose when you witness a group of werewolves fighting, not knowing if you'll be in the middle of it. Damn it's cold as hell out here. Luckily, I knew that Jai was at the fight and knew he could get to me fast. So I mind-linked him and told him the short version of what happened and that we needed clothes for me and within five minutes, he was here.

"What the hell happened?" He asked while tossing the clothes to me as he looked at her. 

"She passed out." I reply while putting on my clothes. 

"I can see that. What the hell did you do?" He asks. 

"She blacked out after seeing me fight a few werewolves." I tell him before walking over to her and start heading back home.

"Does she know it's you?" He asks. 

"No. I just need to get her home." I tell him while he walks with me back to the house. 

The moment I walked into the house, it seemed like either everyone had left for the night or were upstairs. Thank god. 

"Alpha?! I need to speak with you, NOW!" Mike tells me pissed off. 

I can tell that by the way he sounds and the look on his face that it has to be important. 

"Here, take her up to my room then meet me in the office. We have some things to discuss." I tell Jai. 

"Yes Alpha." He replies while taking her and carrying her up the stairs into my bedroom. 

I look over at Mike. 

"What is it?" I ask. 

"It's about Danny and your brother. I've tried looking the other way and then after I heard where your brother sent Ruby tonight, knowing what tonight was, I can't just stand by and watch it anymore." He begins. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. 

"Ever since you left, Lecter's been acting as though he's the king. Not to mention, ever since he brought Ruby here, him and Danny, along with his pack, have been abusing her. They've whipped her and god knows what else. Then earlier today, I walked in on what looked like Danny was getting ready to whip or do something to her. And I know you may not care about her or like her or anything, but you need to do something about your brother and Danny. They're the ones that hurt her the most and are abusing their titles, in particular, your brother." He says with what sounds like pain behind his voice. 

Meanwhile, I'm furious and quickly turn and punch a huge hole into the wall behind me from frustration. How DARE they fucking hurt my mate. 

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them." I assure him through clenched teeth while staring at the hole in the wall and trying to calm down my inner wolf who right now was begging to come out. 

Now, I don't care what I promised both my parents before they died. Lecter and his pathetic pack, including Danny, are going to hurt and beg for me to kill them. I then growl out loudly and run outside, back into the middle of the woods and start howling loudly to call all my men together for a meeting in the morning. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)   OOOOOOhhhhhh, Somebody's in trouble. hehehehehe

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