CHAPTER 25: He's Up To Something

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After recovering for a couple of weeks from the big fight with Boulders' brother and finding out why the council won't help us, we start trying to come up with a plan on how to get Lecter.

I feel as though Boulder is in what I call his 'Alpha mood' as he has become more in a dominant kind of attitude towards everybody including me and then to make matters worse, he has just found out his brother and his pack have disappeared for the moment.

So I knock on the door to his office.

"Enter." He calls out from his desk.

When I open the door, I notice he's answering a few emails but takes the time to look up at me and I see a smile form a little on his face.

"Hey you." I greet him with a smile and sitting down on his lap wrapping my arms over his shoulders while giving him a kiss.

"Mmm....What are you up to?" He asks.

"Nothing really. I've just been training a little bit with Jai." I reply.

"Yeah? That's good." He replies.

"I've been learning a lot." I tell him.

"He's good at training." He comments.

"Babe?" I ask while changing the subject.

"Hmm?" He answers.

"I know you have a lot of things on your plate and are trying to look for your brother and the pack but do you think you could also take a break for a couple of minutes?" I hesitate in asking.

He smiles at me and then gives me a kiss on the lips.

"I guess I can for a little bit." He says as he closes his laptop shut.

"Good." I reply with a smile.

"So what do you want to do?" He asks.

"Anything. I just want us to have some fun." I mention.

"How about a movie?" He suggests.

"Nah. Nothing good out." I reply.

"Hmm, okay, how about you and me go out and have some lunch and then figure out from there what we want to do?"

"That sounds good. I'll go and grab my sunglasses and shoes." I reply excited before getting up and heading out to grab those few things.

It didn't take me too long to get ready and when I walked downstairs, I could overhear a little of Boulder talking along with Jai and what sounds like one of the elders from the council.

I didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything but I felt that whatever it was, it was upsetting Boulder and causing him to become a little bit more agitated.

"There is no way I will allow this treaty. I will not give into him. Brother or not, he has to be stopped and you all know it and yet still turn to look the other way. Whatever happened to justice?" I heard Boulder exclaim to the Elder.

"You must understand how hard it is to..." He started to explain.

"No, I am not going to give in to this deranged idea and that is that!" Boulder snaps at him.

"I understand but do remember the consequences in going against the council and that you will have no protection from any of us.' He exclaims.

"I understand." He nods.

I'm not sure in what possessed me to walk in at that time but I did upset.

"Excuse me..." I interrupted.

"Ah, it's nice to see you again Ruby." The Elder greets.

"Yeah well, I can't say the same for you right now." I snap at him with my arms crossed.

"Ruby." I hear Boulder begin to say.

"No, I want to know why you guys won't help us?" I asked looking at the Elder.

"It's more complicated than you think." He says.

"Really?! See, the way I see it is that you and the council are hiding something. What are you hiding?" I asked.

The Elder smiles at me with amusement and then looks at Boulder before leaving the room.

When he's gone I glare at Boulder.

"What was that?!" I asked.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing." He says with a smile that makes it seem as though he's up to something.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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