CHAPTER 26: He's Gone

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Ruby stood there in the room still looking at me upset and after the Elder left, I had Jai close the door.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you. I just don't understand how you can be so calm about all of this. I thought the council was always supposed to help you?!" She says.

"I know. I know that you were only trying to help and I appreciate it, especially you sticking up for me. But I also know that I'm gonna take care of my brother despite what the council says. That's why I tried to even mind-link you when he was here to try and keep you from saying anything but you blocked me." I begin to tell her while cocking an eyebrow.

"Sorry." She says feeling embarrassed a little bit.

"It's okay." I smile at her.

"Alpha, get out here now!" We hear Gates and the other guys yell out for us.

Jai, Ruby and I quickly run out to where we heard the guys yell out for us and the next thing we hear as we come to a complete halt next to Gates is loud deep growls and then suddenly, the front door is broken down as well as all the windows are broken from wolves jumping through them.

I quickly put Ruby behind me and can feel her shaking a little from terror as I look around for my brother and Leon.

My guys quickly shift into their wolves and start attacking the trespassers while I look over at the back door after hearing the glass break and see both familiar wolves......Leon and Lecter.

Right away I begin growling and shred my clothes as I leap in the air and growl as I shift into my wolf and sprint towards them both.

I notice Jai has shifted quickly also as he jumps from beside me and starts fighting with Leon's wolf while Lecter and I stare each other down.

"Today is when you lose your title as the new Alpha King." My brother mind-links me.

"The hell it will! You'll have to kill me first." I exclaim.

"With pleasure." He growls before sprinting at me and knocking me onto my back.

I quickly get back up on all fours and we go at it.

The house is being destroyed minute by minute from everyone fighting, hitting everything and knocking things over along with glasses breaking.

I get caught up in fighting and suddenly realize after I had just pushed Lecter's wolf off of me with my back legs and got up to look for Ruby. Why the hell did I shift so fast without making sure she was safe?

Before I could do anything though, I am knocked over again by Lecter's wolf and we're at each other's throats again. Clawing at one another, ripping at each other's skin along with biting each other.

Then I hear a loud howl that I knew whose howl it belonged to....Jai.

"Admit it, I'm better than you! I deserved that title, NOT you!" Lecter yells at me as he holds me down on the floor.

"Never! Your jealousy is what made father give me the title. You are not fit to ever be the Alpha King!" I yell back at him while struggling to get him off of me.

I next feel his paw go onto my throat.

"You were always dad's favorite and mom's! They always treated you better and showed you more attention than they ever did with me! I DO deserve that title and I WILL get it!" He yells. "And your Luna will be all mine." He says the last part as he leans closer towards my face.

"FUCK YOU!!" I growl back at him and find a way to finally push him off of me and this time, he doesn't get close to me. I get to him and start biting his leg at first causing him to yelp loudly in pain and fall onto the floor.

That's when I hold him down with my left paw and then snap his neck using my teeth as I sink them deep into his flesh and leave him there to bleed out.

I look around and still don't see Jai but I do notice everyone, including some from my pack are hurt or have been killed. Though there aren't many of mine that are dead.

I make my way through everyone and see Jai's nude human body laying on his side, with his breathing shallow. I try making my way towards him until I'm hit hard from out of nowhere on my side and hit my back against the wall hard, knocking the air out of me.

When I try seeing who it is and see it's Leon, he looks like he's about to attack me until Ruby's wolf comes from behind him and jumps onto his back, bites his neck and ends up ripping off some of his flesh with her teeth right as he slides across the floor from her letting him go and she continues running after him and pounces on top of him as he starts yelping in pain and then he goes limp.

All I can focus on right now is Jai's body as it lays there on the hardwood floor.

I slowly shift back into my human form and Ruby along with the others from all the packs going back to being their human forms.

I see Ruby running downstairs carrying some clothes and tosses me some to put on. When I'm done putting them on, she helps me get up as I still feel the pain in my back from hitting the wall so hard and start walking over to Jai.

I kneel down along with Ruby and see her check his pulse but it's too late. That son-of-a-bitch Leon killed him.

Next chapter will be posted. :)

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