CHAPTER 15: How Romantic

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Kathleen and I were having a good time and today was the first time really, that I have felt like a normal person. It felt nice to be able to walk into a store and down the streets as a human being and not some servant.

Kathleen decided to take me shopping for tonight's date and to be honest I was nervous. I'm not used to dressing up and never had much of a chance to do so when I was little so I didn't know where to start. Thankfully, Kathleen knew what to do.

We got my hair done as the stylist gave me loose wavy curls while I also got my makeup done (more of the natural look) then the dress she picked out was a knee high amethyst purple shade dress with a black lace material over it.

It was a lot of fun and we had a great time. Though on our way back, I finally asked her something I wondered about all day.

"So, how was it you were able to cross the line onto humans territories if you're a werewolf?"

"Well, I wasn't born a wolf. I was turned onto one when I was fourteen years old." She began.

"Wait, Is Mike like that too?" I asked curiously.

"No, he was born as one. Also, he's the one that turned me." She smiles.

"What?" I asked.

"He turned me." She chuckles. "We had been best friends since we were in kindergarten and later found out he was a werewolf. Which of course was forbidden then as well.  So we secretly snuck out each night to see each other and on Valentine's Day, when we were just fourteen, I told him that the only way we could be together was if he turned me. So he did and we ran off together." She smiles as she starts thinking about those moments.

"Wow. That sounds romantic. Almost like a fairy tale." I tell her.

"Yes but, unlike the fairy tales, it wasn't easy. In fact, it wasn't until Boulder's parents took us in." She smiles briefly before notice her beginning to become sad.

"What exactly happened to his parents?" I ask.

She takes in a deep breath and lets it out.

"It was horrific. It was a night that I wish to forget." She says. "You see, Lec...." She begins but stops herself and then she looks like she's listening to something or someone.

"Kathleen?" I ask.

"Sorry." She shakes her head. "That was Mike mind-linking me. Boulder has planned something really nice and romantic for you both tonight." She smiles as she changes the mood and subject.

"I can't wait." I smile. Though in the back of my head, I'm not gonna forget to ask her to finish the story later, I think to myself.

When we pull up, I get out and see Mike walking out towards the car while whistling at me making me blush.

"You look amazing." He smiles as he raises my hand to his mouth and kisses it.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Boulder's waiting for you inside. Take it easy on him." He winks at me.

I nod and start walking towards the front door and before opening it up, I quickly fix myself a little and then begin to open it up and take a step inside when I saw Boulder standing a few feet away at the end of the stairs looking me up and down and at first I wasn't sure what he was thinking but then I saw him bite his lower lip until he looked back up into my eyes and caught me blushing.

"You look beautiful." He smiles at me as he starts walking up to me.

"Thanks. So do you." I smile.

"Come on." He says after giving me a passionate kiss then takes my hand and entwines our fingers as we start walking outside where I see the most romantic looking layout for a dinner for two I have ever seen.

"This looks amazing." I tell him.

"I'm glad." He lets out a breath of relief.

He walks over and pulls out my chair and then sits down in his chair across from me.

I look down at the food and it smells and looks mouthwatering delicious.

"I'm starving and this looks delicious." I tell him.

"Thanks. I hope it tastes good too." He chuckles.

He has me take the first bite and no joke, I can't help but moan at how good this tastes. In fact, I haven't had anyone make me a homemade meal since I was little.

"Okay, seriously, this is beyond good." I tell him before taking another bite.

"I'm glad." He laughs a little before taking a bite.

We eat dinner while talking and getting to know each other more and it seems we have more in common than I thought we would.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)  And next chapter will contain 'adult content' ;);)

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