CHAPTER 12: When I Find Him.....

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Fuck me she looks hot as hell and then for her to make me some dinner? To be honest, I had told her she didn't have to and yet she did it anyway because she wanted to.

When dinner was over, I was finishing putting the leftovers away before walking up behind her as she was washing dishes and wrapped my arms around her waist while I slowly began placing gentle kisses on her neck and moving my hands slowly over hers in the water.

"Leave these." I quietly tell her.

"I really should finish." I hear her reply as she catches her breath.

"I'll do them later." I tell her between more kisses I place now on the back of her neck.

"Mmm...." She moans softly.

That's when I turn her to face me and start lifting her up on the counter while holding onto her thighs.

She kisses me back and grabs some of my hair as I start kissing my way down her neck to her chest and start moving my hand up her shirt caressing one of her breasts.

She throws her head back while biting her lower lip a little. Both of our breaths begin to quicken even more as I move my hand down to the outside of her pants in between her legs, rubbing the outside to tease her a little bit.

"Mm.." She moans again.

"Say it." I tell her in her ear.

"Say what?" She asks.

"Tell me you want me inside of you."

"I want you inside of me. Please." She moans a little louder the last part.

"Tell me what you want me to do." I tell her with my lips against hers getting ready to kiss her.

"I want you to fuck me. Make me yours."

"Mmm....Fuck baby." I say in her ear before kissing her lips while I continue kissing her and pick her up bridal style before carrying her to our bedroom.

I know that this all might be too soon but since we obviously both want each other, neither of us are stopping one another.

Right as we get inside the bedroom, I kick the door shut and plop her onto the bed as she bounces off the mattress a little bit.

I get on top of her to devour her lips and invade her mouth with my tongue. Both of ours fighting for dominance.

I remove my shirt and then right as I get ready to remove hers, she stops me and looks at me with a scared look.

"Wait, turn the lights off please." She says.

"Why? I want to see your beautiful body." I tell her as I kiss her some more.

"I just, I just don't..." She began but I knew she was feeling self conscious but she didn't need to. I love curvy women.

"I don't care baby. I want to kiss every inch of your body." I try and convince her as I look into her eyes.

"Okay." She nods her head.

She then takes off her shirt and as I go back to kissing her, I start kissing her neck while unhooking her bra with one hand and stop as soon as I feel something.

"Wait, what's that?" I ask and then look behind her and see big deep scars from obviously a whip.

"It's nothing." She says as she quickly tries looking for her shirt and covers up her chest.

"Who did this to you?" I asked furious and beyond enraged but hold it back.

"It was..." But I stopped her. I knew who she was going to say.

"My brother? Danny?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Yes." She says under her breath.

"But I'm okay, they don't hurt." She begins to try and explain.

"But you were hurt." I tell her.

"I'm okay, really." She says again.

"I can't believe this. I start to say under my breath while sitting on the edge of the bed, with my face in my hands. "I can't fucking believe this!" I snap as I stand up abruptly.

"Please don't be mad. It's all over. Come on, let's just forget it and just continue." She protests.

"I can't. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry for talking to you in the kitchen the way I did." I start to apologize.

"It's alright. Really." She says.

"I can't. I just...I'm sorry." I tell her and grab my shirt off the floor before storming iut of the room. I swear that when I find my brother and his pack, they will all pay dearly for doing anything to her.

Now as for me and Ruby, I'm just not sure I can I can just fuck her and have her think that she's being hurt all over again. I don't want her to think I don't want her because I do but I also know that I have to be more calm, both my wolf and I before we make love. I hope she never thinks I will hurt her the way my brother and them seem to have done.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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