Dream and John

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(A.N. So let's hop into this book shall we? This story is inspired by a H2O Fan fic called Sleep even though this is a Smii7y fan fic 😅 I highly recommend it!!❤️

Y/N= Your Name
H/L= hair length
H/C= hair color

I set on the couch and eat the cold pizza I had left over from last night. I grab the controller and start up a new game of "Hello Neighbor."

I was determined to beat the game. I bought it a while back and forgot I had it. I was searching through my game shelf and it still had the plastic sleeve on it, so I decided to play it. I haven't won one game I always mess up in the stupidest ways...

I realize my fingers are starting to cramp by the 6th time of me dying, and I decide to lay the controller down and turn off the game. I walk to the kitchen and jump up and sit on the counter. I tap my hands making a beat on the counter then take a deep breath. I look around the small dingy apartment, and pray that I will find something better in the future.

I decided that I needed a nap and headed to the bedroom. I passed the bathroom and grabbed a hair bow off of the sink and continued to my bed. Pulling my hair into a high ponytail I throw myself on my bed not even bothering to cover up. I lay on the bed and get aggravated, I can't sleep. I flail in bed tossing and turning. I huff out a breath of hot air and run my hands through my H/L, H/C hair.

I take my phone out of my back pocket. It's only 4:25? Ugh this day is just dragging on isn't it....
I unlock it and swipe through my main screens deciding what to do. I see YouTube and I light up a little gaming video always helps me sleep I click on a long Uno Video from Cartoonz and set off watching.

I eventually fall asleep and feel the phone drop out of my hand right before I drift off to sleep. I wake up on a wooden platform and it's snowing? Where am I? I feel the ground shake viciously underneath me and the platform starts to fall apart. I start to scream and yell. I hear a voice come from behind me.

"You need to jump over here noobie!" Says a gigantic stick figure. I scream as I study him with wide eyes. What is this!?!? I back up and fall off of the edge screaming on the way down with a loud 'OOF' I hit the ground and.... I'm ok? I look up and see a bar above me it goes away slightly. The red stick man above me jumps off of the platform and beside me with a blue one following him.

"You got a mic noob?" The tall red stick figure asks looking down at me. I shake my head and push myself to a corner and hold my knees together. What are these things? Where am I?

(A.N. So how was it? I have been wanting to do a H2O Delirious story for a while but I had so many ideas for a Smii7y one I just had a lot going on but I have it now so yay! BUT ANYWAY AS ALWAYS I HOPE YE ENJOYED!!!

Dreamer of the Game(Smii7y X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now