Confrontation and Pets

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(A.N. So I changed my name but the book is still the same! And as always I HOPE YE ENJOY!!

Narrator P.O.V

So it's been a few weeks since Channel got kicked out she has tried to contact a few of them but she is to afraid to come back on the property. Y/N's relationship with her friends have grown stronger but her anxiety still effects her decisions. She hopes to grow with Jaren and be happy. But their time is coming to an end.

Y/N's P.O.V

I wake up to light snoring and a tight grip around my waist John is sleeping where Jaren used to and we moved all of Jaren's things in my room. We were supposed to be gone and get a hotel but Tyler said that he would rather us stay here all together, so that's what we did!

"Morning beautiful." I hear a rough morning voice ring through my ears. My eyes light up and I feel faint goosebumps rise on the surface of my skin and I turn to face him as soon as we are face to face he presses a forceful kiss to my lips surprising me. I kiss back but it ends to soon. When we pull back I see his satisfied face with a smile and the way the sun hits his face it makes him look even better.

"What was that all about?" I ask playfully, wiping my lips with a confused grin. He shrugs and throws the covers off of himself and heads out the door. I know he is going to get coffee so I set up and check my phone. A few notifications from YouTube but nothing major. He comes back carefully handing me a steaming cup of caffeine. I smell it and sigh happily.

"You need to get ready for today we are going out just the two of us." He says smirking at me. I raise my eyebrows as I sip at my drink and he bounces his shoulders once more. Him walking out the door I am left to my thoughts and the smell of coffee being waved under my nose like a energy boosting aromatherapy.

I get up and head to my dresser and grab a pair of black jeans with a white t-shirt that has 'ALL M' across the front of it. I grab my black high top converse and slip them on. I put on a jean jacket and my outfit is complete I swipe on some mascara and check myself in the mirror I frown at my appearance and go to take the jean jacket off by then my hand gets stopped.

"You look fine, gorgeous actually, now let's go grab breakfast." I give a halfway decent smile and grab his hand he is already ready. We walk down the stairs and I make myself some toast. As I spread the butter on it John comes up behind me and snatched one of the crispy slices from the counter. I go to scold him but he send me a goofy apologetic smile and I roll my eyes.
"Love you!" He yells walking into the living room stuffing the buttery goodness into his pie hole. I put more bread into the toaster and huff waiting for it to fix. Jaren walks in with Anthony by his side talking about a new game or something of that nature. They part ways when Anthony sees his girlfriend and goes to help her pick up some cups from the living room coffee table. I turn around and feel eyes burning holes into my ass.

"Who knew?" I asked nonchalantly not facing him with a hint of a smirk on my face.

"Who knew what?" Smit asks confused as he slides over to me and places his hands on my hips.

"That milk bags were so pervy." I say smirking fully now as he squeezes my hips and kisses my neck.

"They are only pervy when their girlfriends are undeniably sexy no matter what they do." He gives my cheek a peck. He squeezes my shoulder and changes the subject.

"How about we leave the toast for your greedy brother and we go to (fav/fast/food)?" He suggests and you nod your head quickly as he chuckles at your giddiness over food.
He grabs his keys out of the little basket and out the door.

"Wait, Did you tell John?" I ask and he only nods.

"Don't worry your brother will be ok, don't think about him to much." He kisses my cheek and opens that car door for me to climb inside. We take off down the road and we are in the car for a good 30 minutes. Then I speak up.

"You know if you think about it we don't have much time left..." I say not looking at anything but the road ahead. I see Jaren turn his head with a sad look in his eyes then looks back to the road. He takes my hand in his and gently squeezes it.

"Then I'm gonna make this something we won't forget." He says and smiles cheekily at me. I feel my pale cheeks warm up a bit and he kisses my hand.

We finally arrive at a cute little dinner type restaurant and it feels like you could walk right in and everyone would talk to you like you had been around the area and grew up there. In other words it had a really homey feel to it. We set down and Smit cracks a couple jokes about John and memories that we had made over the weeks we had been together.

We calm down when the waiter came over but the outfit she was wearing was slightly revealing she kept adjusting her blouse and making sure a bit to much of her cleavage was showing to Jaren. He didn't seem to pay attention and he just looked at her face stated his order and looks across the table at me.

I placed my order politely and just stared down at the table. I'm not the over protective or jealous type when it comes to what is supposedly labeled as mine but this was kind of ticking me off. Jaren seemed to pick back up where we left of with the jokes and I pay attention without a word. Just giggling at small things. The girl comes back and makes sure to touch Jaren should she passing him his food.

"Listen I get it... you may like me but I'm with my girlfriend so if you could not do that that would be amazing." He says in a nice but annoyed voice. I put my head down as she buttons up the buttons of her blouse and walks away not really mad but disappointed. I get it he is a sight for sore eyes.

We eat, finish up and we get back in the car. He smiles and squeezes my hand before heading deeper into the city.

"What are we doing?" I ask confused but looking at the buildings in amazement. He bounces his shoulder and I huff falling back deeper into my seat.

"Someone's impatient." He says and chuckles. I rolls my eyes playfully and we continue riding. He pulls in a parking spot and I realize where we are.

"Oh my god! You brought me to a bird aviary!" I yell and jump out of the car and jump around in the parking lot.

"Well you are my Tweety Bird and I know you said you wanted one so..." he smiles.

"Wait I'm getting one?!?!" I say on the verge of tears. He only nods and I start to cry, hugging him and telling him I wanted to marry him. He only laughs and pats my butt.

"Let's go meet our new Tweety." He says sweetly.

(A.N. Hey y'all! I hope y'all are ready for the next couple chapters cause to be honest I'm ready to write them! Let's do this shit!🤘 AND AS ALWAYS I HOPE YE ENJOYED!!

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