Its Author~Chan's Birthday!

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So! It's my birthday! I am turning a whole 17 years old... lol this has probably been the best birthday so far because my mom and stepdad sent me flowers (pic up top) that were delivered at my school which I did not expect because she never has got me anything like that before... it was weird I never feel like I deserve the stuff I get...I was raised to be humble and I just feel like spending money on me isn't necessary... I like to keep it simple, recognition on my birthday really helps but I don't stand out they announced my name over the school system and kids went 'who is that?' So I just don't really stand out but I like it that way! but I did get a cake and some flowers and honestly that is enough!❤️ my grandma took me to eat and I asked for a nap for my birthday so that's what I'm fixing to do XD!! But I hope you guys have a good day and as always I HOPE YE ENJOYED! (Your day)

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