Morning Nudes

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(A.N. So Hi😅🤗 and I really need to be doing homework so I can pass this grade but oh whale!!😅 and another thing! Does anybody watch the anime FairyTail? I love it at the moment!


I wake up to find myself smushed up against a warm object. My eyes flutter open and I am met with a pair of eyes. I smile and feel my face heat up as he looks at me dreamily.

My smile turns into a crooked embarrassed face and I pull my hands up rubbing my eyes. As soon as I take my hands away I am met with a pair of lips on mine. We kiss for a couple seconds. Once we pull away I let out a sigh and snuggle into him more. He lets out a chuckle at my actions and brushes some stray hairs away from my face.

"I hope they aren't worried about us..." he says resting his chin on my head. I finally realize our surroundings. We must have fallen asleep during our date in the tree house. I notice his jacket is stretched across us but most of it is on me.

"I think we will be fine though..." he says and I offer him a closed eyed smile. I lean up and stretch my muscles Jaren just lays back and admires me. He takes his hand and runs I down my back lovingly.

"We should get going, yeah?" He says and I only nod afraid to talk after the chills he gave me. I collect all the trash and our coats and such and then we head out of the treehouse and to the ground. I hop off of the last step of the old withered but surprisingly sturdy ladder. He chuckles and once he his the ground he spins and kisses my nose.

"Your to cute." He says more to himself. I just let a pink dusting liter across my nose and cheeks. He takes my hand leading me back to the car. I decide to check the time on my phone that I left in the car once I sat safely inside. I open up the phone and see I have some calls and text but one really catches my eye.
'He's mine bitch! You better back off!'
7 more notifications

I frown at my phone and open it up. I read the texts and I feel tears well up in my eyes. I have several text from her and a not so welcoming picture.

C- He's mine bitch! You better back off!

C- Hope your happy with your room when you come back❤️

The next picture has the room that I'm staying in but it had pictures of it seems the same picture on every inch of the rooms surface. It is a nude from a very long time ago. I look at the picture of my naked body in disgust. I start to tear up and I set my phone in my lap.

What is Jaren gonna think? Who all has saw it by now? What will the girls think of me? Are the guys are gonna hate me? Is Jaren is gonna break up with me? What will John think? How did she even get that picture? I have a million questions running through my head I had made the mistake of not closing the phone and Jaren sees me put my hands up to my face. I lets tears fall involuntarily down my face. He picks up my phone and I immediately try and snatch it back.

"NO JAREN P-PLEASE!" I stuttered trying to reach for it back. If he sees that we are done. I struggle to get the phone from his grasp in other words I guess you could say I was fighting for my relationship.

"Tweety what's wrong?" He says softening his face but still holding the phone out of my reach.

"I'm f-fine ok j-just give it back please!" I say sniffling a few times. He gives me a disappointing look and pulls me into a hug. He drags me across the centerpiece of the car and into his lap. I set there as he opens up the phone. He looks at the contents of the screen and once he has read enough he tosses my phone in the passenger seat that I was previously sat in.

I put my head down staring at my lap while I let my hair fall down around my face. I am suddenly grabbed and the hair is shoved out of my face and lips fall upon mine in surprise. I open my teary eyes and close them and continue the kiss. I could feel the sympathy and pain through the kiss and I just kiss back sobbing a bit. I break the kiss and immediately pull my hand up to my mouth trying to cover my soft weeping and whimpering.

"I love you Y/N..." he says blankly but sincere. I look at his thought rattled face as he looks out of the front of the car windshield.

"How?" I say asking almost broken.

"How?.....How could I not?" He asks still blank. He turns his expressionless face to me and looks me in the eyes. He saddens his eyes but somehow remains to stay confident.

His hand reaches up and wipes a tear away with his thumb and takes my hand pulling it up to his mouth he places a soft kiss on top of it then lowers it onto my lap with a sigh and rubs light circles on my hand with his thumb. I lay my head back against the window not breaking eye contact with him.

"We will figure it out... she will get what she deserves... I will make sure of it." He says with distress surely in his thoughts.

"Thank you Jaren" I say squeezing his hand a bit.

"Oh and Jaren?" I say moving so I am now straddling him.

"Hmm?" He hums urging me to go on.

"I love you too." I say truthfully, and somewhat trying to lift his spirits. He smiles a little and pulls me in a tight hug all while kissing my forehead. I smile to myself a little feeling accomplished and trying to forget about Channel for once.

"How about we stay gone for today too?" He suggests making me lift up my head.

"What will we do?" I ask with confusion twisted in my words and plastered on my face. He thinks for a moment and then looks down at me.

"Ice cream?" He says and my eyes light up. He gives a heavy chuckle at my reaction and I scramble up and off of him getting back in my designated seat. He laughs once more and shakes his head. He leans over and kisses my cheek making me smile again but giving me shivers. Well I guess we aren't going home after all.

(A.N. This was a really short chapter but I need to get one out so I can start the next part of the story so thank you all for everything! And as always I HOPE YE ENJOYED!!

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