Im scared...

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(A.N I have an idea.... I sHoUlD gO BaCk tO tHE kItChEn.....

We arrive at the apartment building and I head strait for the doors. John had a little bit of trouble keeping up with me since he barely got in the elevator on time. I practically sprint into my apartment and go upstairs. I head for my door but a force gripped on my arm stops me. I swing my head around to see John out of breath bending down.

"What are you hiding from me?" He says straightening his posture and looking down at me. I put my hands on my hips and roll my eyes. I go to turn but John doesn't let me.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me something! Are you sick?" He says sternly.

"I told you it's nothing I'm fine!" I say throwing my hands in the air. I walk to my room slamming the door and setting on the edge of the bed.

————-DAYS LATER————-

"Jaren I'm out of ideas.....She hasn't come out of her room in 6 days......No I tried!......She only cries and stays silent!..... She won't answer....." I hear John say on the other side of the door.

I don't want to sleep it hurts. I can't keep feeling the pain of sleeping. I don't know what's happened to me. John has tried numerous things and failed each time to try and 'help me'... he is talking to Smitty and I just listen missing my brothers face. I'm just not ready to say what's wrong.

"Isn't she like friends with someone?" I hear Jaren's voice but it's very quiet he must be on speaker phone. His voice makes my heart flutter.

"Yeah... she is friends with Brock's wife Lauren.... Jaren your a genius! I gtg bye!!" He yells an I hear footsteps. I giggle lightly at my brother actually saying 'gtg'. Lauren is Brock's or Moo's wife. We are best friends. She has recently had a baby though so we have grown apart... I miss her... she has saw my face but Brock hasn't and I ....And we are really close friends.... I then listen to my rambling brother...

"Will you?..... don't bring Brock...
Well...I guess but he will have to stay down stairs....ok god I hope this works.... I'm really worried about her.... I know... ok I will.... you tell him hi too.... ok bye...."
I then hear stomping feet to my door.

"Y/N?..... Ok well you don't have to respond but Lauren and the Baby are coming in a little bit...." I light up a little bit. But then I remember Brock is coming and I cower back down. I guess John hears my whimpers and sobs because he sighs and walks off. I then hear steps coming back to the door and the door handle starts to jiggle. I jump as the door swings open and see a very tired and messy John looking at me with a screwdriver in hand. He walks over to the bed and I pull the blankets closer to my face as I let tears slip.

"I was gonna try and make you come out on your own... but hearing you cry and whine all night with me not knowing what is the matter... kills me..." he says looking down at the lump of covers knowing it's me.

"6 days no sleep, nothing to eat. Your skinny Y/NN...." he says sad.

"I can't do it anymore" I say barely audible.

"Can't do what?" He says curious.

"When I sleep I feel like I am dying... I don't know what is happening to me John! It's like I am in a game... like a game you play I was in a game with Cartoonz and Delirious and one of them almost shot me! Last week I woke up and I was in so much pain! And I don't want the guys to see my face!!! I am ugly and they won't like me! They will hate me and not want me to hang out with them! I just cant with all of the stress and anxiety filled days!" I scream out of breath finishing I start to sob rolling over away from John. I'm weak he should just disown me as a sister and move on... I then feel a dip in the bed and arms rolling me back over. I open my tearful eyes and see him with a sympathetic and emotional look.

"Your beautiful sis... and if you would have told me what was going on, I could have helped you with it..." He says pulling me into his chest and petting my hair. I get up away from his grip sniffing I desperately look around the room looking for my 'stress reliever'. I see it at the bottom of the bed and rip it letting the milky, white, good smelling cloud leave my mouth. I sigh and John removes the vape from my hand and rips it. He blows it right in my face and I start to giggle and cough.

"Well?" John says as I end my giggling. I throw myself on the bed and John laughs at me.


"Yes?" He says curiously.

"Can I show my face to a certain person...."I mumble barely above a whisper my face getting red. He makes a face and looks at me confused.

"Well we have a trip coming up you could go on it... 4th of July at Tyler's?" He asks suggestively. She nods her head smiling she begins to look down fiddling with her fingers.

He calls Lauren back and tells her not to come that I finally came out of my room and he lays back down with me.

He grabs her hands and looks into her eyes. He loves her and always has. His little sister is the only thing he has left their mother died and he met their father he left them after beating his mother almost to death. He would do everything in his power to keep you away from him and he has kept that promise.

"I want to sleep but I'm scared John" she says looking at their hands as he nods his head.

"What happens?" He asks not fully understanding what it is that is harming her.

"I feel all of the pain in a game if I am in a game... and I was in the guy's Discord call before i woke up with you in the car... I hear a loud noise and I feel paralyzed but it hurts so bad..." I say letting a tear slip down my face.

(A.N. So I hope you like it and fun fact this was supposed to be a H2O Delirious story but I had so many more ideas for Smii7y😊

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