Social Media and Breakfast

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(A.N. Really don't give a fuck what anybody says Ghost Adventures is the best TV show... fight me....🤷‍♀️

Jaren's P.O.V

I set her in the seat and she immediately falls asleep. I stare at the girl for a minute admiring her features. She's so... cute. Honestly she is more words than I could ever mutter out.

She stirs and I push the door closed. I run to the other side sliding in the car and glancing at the clock on the radio screen. 4 am, well we will get back in around 15 minutes the park wasn't very far from Tyler's house. I drive in silence realizing how tired I was I rolled down the window only a sliver to get some air.

I speed up a bit trying to get home and I finally pull in the driveway. I get out and go around to her side. I open the door and shake her awake. She opens her eyes and immediately starts apologizing.

"I'm so sorry that I feel asleep! That you had to carry me and-" I cut her off.

"God you apologize to much, I'm surprised your not Canadian." I chuckle and she only smiles holding back a small giggle. She then lets out a yawn covering her face. I take her hand and help her out of the seat. She then holds her arms up like a child to me I scoff playfully and lift her up.

She wraps her arms around my neck and shoves her face into me getting comfortable. I put my hands under her legs and her back keeping her up. I kick on the door since my hands are occupied with holding the girl of my dreams and the door swings open after a few moments later. Tyler opens the door and steps aside.

"Dude where the fuck have you been it's 4 in the morning!?" He hisses and shut she door.

"John!" He suddenly yells making me jump and waking her back up. I give him the evil eye and see John heading my way. Y/N makes me put her down and she steps in front of John getting engulfed in a hug.

"I knew you were ok, you would have called me if you were gonna die." He says and I laugh shaking my head. He looks at me and points a finger in my face.

"You better not have tried any funny shit with her!" He says with a smile.

"Jaaahhhhnnn!" Y/N whines out and covers her face I only shake my head and grin.

"I'm going to bed now...CARRY ME!" She yells and jumps at me I catch her fast and make sure she doesn't fall. She giggles and puts a hand on my chest. Even the littlest things she does makes my skin tingle and my heart beat out of my chest. She wraps her arms around me and I make my way up the steps. I go into the room her and John are supposed to be sharing and set her on the bed. She sets up and looks at me with wonder in her eyes. I wonder around the room and stop at the end of the bed. She jumps off of the bed and goes to her suit case. She pulls out what I can only assume to be night clothes and walks to the bathroom.

I set on the bed scrolling through social media for a few minutes until she is done. She walks out of the bathroom and has a pair of sweat pants on and a really big t-shirt on that hangs off of her shoulder a little bit. I can the freckles that liter the tops of her shoulders and they are just another aspect of her that makes her beautiful.

"Come here!" She says and stands in front of the full length mirror that is hung on the other side of the room. I walk next to her and she pulls up her camera. I realize she wants a picture and I quickly pose. I wrap my arms around her waist and  she snaps a couple of pictures.

(Picture of pose at the top.)

I lay my head on her shoulder watch her put them on her social media. They didn't have my face or her face in them so I didn't mind. I tell her to send them to me and I take my arms from around her and walk to the bed. I lay on the bed and I finally get the picture of us. I put it on my instagram with the caption:

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