Goodbye Trouble

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(A.N. So nobody told me anything for the lemon scene so I'm just gonna go with the flow... so there may be lemon/ there may not be lemon...🤷‍♀️ but if there is there will be a warning!



I stand awkwardly with my head down and a hand latched onto mine. Jaren rubbing circles on the top of my hand is calming but not in this situation.

After our little romantic moment Tyler bursted into the room with a pissed John right behind him. They stopped once they saw the pictures plastered on the walls their eyes went wide and Tyler walked out of the room in a flustered and blushing mess.

"Y/N what is all this?" John looked at the picture in rage as he ripped it from the wall. He balls it up in his fist and stomps over to me. Before he reaches me I run behind Jaren and cling onto him. John stops and then his seething anger ridden face was twisted into a hurt and confused look like a child that has just been told the worst news. Jaren reaches behind him and pulls me forward with a strong firm grip to my wrist but not enough to hurt me.

"Why? I'm not gonna hurt you... Y-Y/N w-what is all of this? Who? WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" He screams through tears. I turn to him with tears eyes and whisper a soft white lie.

"I did it..." I whisper barely audible.

"What?" He says as he sniffs.

"I did it John! I put the pictures up! I did it!" I say as I close my eyes and ball up my fists. Jaren grabs my shoulder and rubs his hands up and down my arms.

"Y/N... tell him... please she's not gonna stop..." him saying those words must had made something click in John's mind because he took off down the hall.

"No John please! She'll only do it more!" I yell I try to move after him but arms wrap around my waist and pulls me to his chest. The fear rushes through me and I begin to shake. The power she has, the effect she has on people. It's scary to think I could be a victim to her maniacally evil ways.

I feel the hug get tighter as I struggle to break away from him. I have no strength due to crying and I eventually just give up. He kisses my forehead and lowers us to the ground with me between his legs. He whispers little soothing words as he strokes my hair.

"It's ok Tweety she's not gonna continue to do this even if it takes everything I have." He says reassuringly.

"But it's not w-worth it! Not for me!" I look into his eyes and see a hint of anger but passion is dominant in his feelings.

"You are worth every penny, every thought, every minute, every bone in my body even if it costs me my life if it really got to that point Y/N... because I love you and nothing will change that..." He leans in and kisses me and takes his thumbs and wipes the tears from my face.

We then pull away due to a clashing sound downstairs. Followed with a yell.

"Fuck her up Chrissy!" We both scramble to our feet and I lead the way sprinting out the bedroom door. I jump down the steps taking 2 to 3 at a time. Jaren hot on my heels. I get downstairs and the sight before me is chaos.

The dining room table is flipped over and Chrissy has already ripped a lamp out of the wall and is attempting to swing and hit Channel with it. I grab the lamp and slowly take her arm down and the lamp out of her grasp. But as soon as the lamp is gone Channel goes to taunt and before she can mutter one syllable Chrissy swings her fist at her face and a deafening crack is heard through the room.

She hits the ground and is knocked out cold. Chrissy then shakes her hand as if she is going to shake the pain away.

"That's what you get when you fuck with my family, bitch." She says smoothly and walks to the bathroom with a wide eyed Simone blindly following to help clean her hand. We all look around and then Kelly starts to laugh.

"That was a-amazing!" She clutches her stomach. Everybody then joins in reliving the events. Evan then closes his eyes and a small smile is played on his lips. He crosses his arms and leans against the wall.

"I should go thank Chrissy..." He says and makes his way to the bathroom.

We all then hear a groan come from her as she sets up and starts to cry and hold her nose.

"EVAN!" She screams to the top of her lungs. He then comes in with his hands in his pockets and an annoyed look plastered onto his face. And he takes a deep breath.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He yells as he opens up his eyes and a fire is lit inside of them. He then goes over to Kelly and stands in front of her.

"Do it." He says and her eyes light up but then she gets serious like she just got a life changing mission. She rolls up her sleeves and walks calmly to her.

"Do what Evan? What is she gonna do? I own you! So you better get your ass over here an help me before the world knows what VanossGaming looks like under his clothes!" She says with a smirk on her face. Evan looks at her bored and pulls a small black chip out of his pocket.

"Do you know what this is?" He asks.


"It's your memory chip from your phone." He then pulls out a little bit of a larger chip.

"And this is the one from your computer." He gives her a closed eyed smile and breaks both of the chips.

"E-EVAN!!" She growls. She then gets up to hit him but I move from my awkward stance and push her backwards with such force that she falls to the floor again.

"I will press charges whore! I don't even know what Jaren sees in you you are a fat whore that sends nudes for attention!" She says with a satisfied grin, even though her face is fucked up.

"Enough Channel!" Evan growls.

"Do it press charges on my family I have pictures of my bruises, I have our texts. So do it and you will be in a world of hurt." He says smoothly.

"Now, Do it Kelly."


"You have 10 minutes to get out of my house and off my property. And if not then the cops will be called for trespassing." She says and folds her arms.

—————Time Skip——————

I watch as the car pulls out of the driveway and she try's to spin gravel but she can't. She then leaves I'm assuming to the hospital. Once she rounds the corner I let out a sigh of relief along with everybody else.

I then feel arms wrapped around me and I am lifted off the ground and spinning around I giggle when I see Jaren's smiling face. He then sets me down and kisses my lips and I get flustered. Sami and the other girls squeal and so does Scotty and Marcel. We laugh and I hide my face in his chest. Sami then yells.

"Be Gone Thot!"

(A.N. So it took a little while but it is done and I am kinda proud of it!😊 SO AS ALWAYS I HOPE YE ENJOYED!!!

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