Messages and Ace's

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(A.N. School drama is fun right?😑


It been 3 days since the little stunt that Jaren pulled and he just seemed to get distant after that. It was weird... it was a good kind of weird though. When his soft pink lips touch my dented bruised up skin it felt like he injected love into me as his lips brushed up a bit as he pulled back from each one.

He was satisfied with himself after that it seemed like but he turned around and walked away after saying those words to me. Like it was nothing and he brushed it off of his shoulders. He doesn't like me... he does this with every other girl he sees just a flirt and run. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. Like I have spent most of my day since that event. It just shook me up a bit, I listen to the same depressing music playlist on repeat.

"Hey, wanna go out today or something?" I turn to see Sami leaning on the door frame and giving me a pitiful look. I just huff not moving from my position. I wait for a second and turn away from her. Getting deeper into the covers I shake my head. I feel the bed dip and a hand land on shoulder I flinch when I feel it and it is swiftly removed.

"What happened? Nobody knows..."

"That's not true..." I whimper and it only makes me shake. She peels the covers back and flips me over to lay my head on her lap. I just stare at the ceiling.

"Tell me what happened you know I won't tell a soul..." she says as she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Jaren.... He uh-um-He..." I get cut off by Sami and she gasps. I set up really fast and she I smiling like crazy.

"Let me finish! I'll tell you what happened... I was washing dishes, I thought everybody went to the living room. But he stayed and stared at me while I washed the dishes. He came up from behind me and hugged me and he thanked me for the food. He asked me if I knew I had back dimples and he pulled up my shirt and kissed them..." I say flustered at the scene in my head. Sami is squealing with excitement and she is kicking her legs in the air like a school girl. I set there unamused.

"Aren't you happy?!" She says as her smile fades.

"It was awkward after... I bet he is drooling over Channel anyway." I say and clutch the duvet to my face. She sighs and pulls me up and I only stand in front of her and let her do what she wants. She goes to my closet and pulls out some leggings and a tight very revealing low cut crop top.

"Then we will give him no choice, and make him want to be with you." She says and throws the clothes at me. I stare at the close and shake my head.

"No Sami I'm not going to dress like that just to get his attention..." I argue and cross my arms over my chest.

"No your getting other people's attention!" She beams and I only giggle a bit and shake my head.

"Please just once! If it doesn't work then I won't ask for anything else!" She says and gets on her knees clawing at my shirt. I push her off and just huff. Know that she won me over she leaps up and shuts the door.

"Now go put these on he's gonna be so jealous!" She squeals. She leave the bedroom with a shit eating grin. I grip the clothes and slide them on. There is absolutely no way that John is gonna be ok with this... I run my hands over my body and look in the mirror.

I snap a picture and decide to post it on my instagram.

(Picture up top!)

'I don't even know why I bother...🙄💕'

I post it and set on the bed. In a matter of seconds I see that Jaren has liked it along with everybody else that my brother hangs out with.

(This next part are the insta comments)

TobyontheTele: That's all you!🙌
Y/Insta: Thanks💕

Fitz: You act nothing like your brother😆
Y/Insta: That's a compliment😅

Kryoz: Stfu @Fitz I can de nice! And Beautiful as always sis💕
Y/Insta: We both know that isn't the case but ok😆❤️

Kelly: O-o jealously at💯
Y/Insta: I don't see why! you're beautiful!😍🤷‍♀️

I decided to leave it at that and head down the steps. It was around 1 and I don't know what we are doing. I hop down the steps and walk to the kitchen and I see everybody getting their things ready to head out. I feel multiple pairs of eyes on me as I stand beside Sami. I ignore the stares and ask Sami where we are going. She replies with a simple "mall" and I just nod and look down and mess with my rings again. I feel my phone vibrate in my hand and see that I got a message from Jaren.

J- "You look really good today...😐"

I look up and see him staring at me. I raise my eyebrow and he shrugs his shoulders.

Y/N- "What is a shoulder shrug supposed to mean?..."

I send and look up to him looking at his phone. He shrugs again and chuckles a bit just annoying me more but pulling a giggle out of me. As soon as he does Channel walks over to him and basically dry humps his leg because she is standing so close to him. He looks at me wide eyed and I just frown and shove my phone back into my wallet. I get up and tell Sami I'm going to the car. I walk out and take a breath of fresh air and calmly walk to the car.

I pull out my phone and decide to watch some Naruto. I get a message and see it is from Jaren I swipe up with my finger and ignore it. I then get another and ignore that one too. I get another and let out a frustrated grunt as I open up the messages.

J- I'm sorry!

J- She doesn't mean anything to me!


I decided I would respond with a simple 'yeah' and let it go. I then see a pool of people file out of the front to the cars. I set in the middle and Jaren sets on one side of me while John sets on the other. Kelly and Tyler in the front. I lean on John and adjust my top as we pull out of the driveway. I slip in one of my AirPods and offer the other to John. He takes it and I set my phone on my lap looking down. I start the episode over and John bursts out laughing when the audio starts coming through. I pause the screen and look at him and scowl at his laughing spell. I rip the Pod out of his ear and just turn it up all the way and ignore his teasing about my choice of entertainment.

We finally pull up in the huge parking lot of the mall and we all start to pile out. I stuff my phone in my wallet and leave my AirPods in the car. They are to expensive to loose. I stroll up the front of the mall like everyone else and go in we all split our separate some in groups some in pairs and I decided that me being on my lonesome would give some thinking time. I walk into a random store that catches my eye and just glance through really not seeing anything I absolutely couldn't live without. I then feel a hand on my hip. I look up to see a man with sparkling blue eyes and he was well fit with dirty blonde hair.

"Hi there, are you alone?~" he asks giving me a soft smile. He had me mesmerized with his looks so I could only nod my head. He chuckles a bit and take the palm of my hand. He places a kiss on the top of it with a flirty wink to add. I blush and look away with a little giggle and he only lets go of my hand and snakes his arm around my waist.

"My names Ace, And yours?" He purrs. I open my mouth to answer but then I hear a voice behind us.

"Her name is non of your business..." I hear my brothers growling voice from behind. I immediately pull away from the guy and turn around to face him. I roll my eyes and walk to him. He pulls you to him and pushes you behind him protectively. John and Ace then have a staring match. I see Jaren enter and his eyes lock with mine, he comes over.

"What's going on here?" He says and John only growls at his staring competitor. Jaren then grabs my hand and pulls me behind him. Ace then ended eye contact with my brother and pushes Jaren out of the way getting to me. He kisses my cheek and slips a small piece of paper in my hand. He leaves and heads to the exit of the store but not before he looks over his shoulder and giving me a flirty wink.

"What the fuck was that?!" I say wide eyed.

(A.N. So this is a little bit of a shorter one but it's honestly a filler so Sorry again guys! AS ALWAYS I HOPE YE ENJOYED!

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