New Girl?

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(A.N. Listening to the Misfits Podcast so this chapter may be scuffed... sorry...😆


Us girls are setting around the kitchen table while the boys are in the living room screaming at the TV.  I told them about the plane situation like 3 hours ago and I finally got calmed down after Kelly and Sami fixed and bandaged it up. We decided to just talk.

"So boy talk!" Melina yells and we all giggle at her.

"Oh god, last time we did this we found out what Kelly's kink was!" Sami laughs and Kelly gets crimson as she pushes Sami.

"What?!? everybody has one! Y'all wouldn't say yours!" She gets embarrassed and defensive.

"Hair pulling..."



The girls continue around, I cover my face at the embarrassing and awkward conversation. It goes quiet and all the girls are looking at you. You pull down the sleeves of your hoodie down and shift in your chair a bit.

"And you?" Kelly says and all the girls lean in.

"Um I...don't know...I'm a virgin..." I say rubbing my arm and looking down. The girls look at me with wide eyes.

"Your kidding right?" Chrissy says. And I nod my head I don't see how it's a big deal...

"What the hell is your secret?!?! Girl you have the perfect hourglass figure and your still a virgin?!?!" Chrissy screeched as Tyler and Marcel walk in and just stare. I have a horrified expression on my face and all of the girls look their way.

"What the fuck did we just walk in on?" Marcel walks behind Simone and pecks her cheek before gathering waters with Wildcat.

"Nothing!" She waits until they leave and then all of them look at me.

"I don't leave the house much unless for groceries... ask Sami..." I say putting my elbows on the counter and resting my chin on my fists.

"It's true... she will even sometimes have me come over and Craig and John will do it if she feels antisocial enough." Sami says and I giggle nodding my head. The girls nod in understanding.

"So why don't you tell us about you a little more?" Melina says and sips her water.

"Um... ok... My name is Y/N Keyes, I'm 20, my brother is John or KryozGaming, I have depression, anxiety, and insomnia... oh I take 9 medicines at the moment witch is really good for me because I use to be on 12!" I smile proud of myself and all of the girls just smile at me.

"That's really sad, but I'm glad you are doing better maybe you should set a goal to eventually have to take none!" Simone smiles.

"Gosh would that be a dream!" I beam at the thought of it. They all nod in encouragement and we all begin to play on our phones and scroll through social media. About 10 minuets go by and Kelly speaks up.

"Oh god..." I hear Kelly say and we all look at her making her continue with her complaint.

"Channel is coming..." she says and the girls set off in an uproar of WHAT's and groans. (Sorry if this is your name change it...)

"What's wrong with that? Who is she?" I ask and the girls look at me with pitiful eyes.

"Channel is Evans girlfriend. When she comes she will be all over the boys and is a total bitch..." Melina explains rolling her eyes at the thought of her.

"But I'm going to protect you, well we all are. She goes for the new people she did it to me when we where here last summer when I first started dating Craig... but she makes you leave and fight and make it a living hell to be anywhere within a 500 mile radius of her." Sami says and grips at her hair.

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