Kicked out

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(Let's hop into the 2nd chapter!!


I set in the corner with my arms wrapped around me. With the men jumping around with weapons falling from the sky. They throw and shoot at each other before stopping to just hop and sprint around.

"Does that thing in the corner of the screen not talk?" Says I'm assuming the red stick figure since a volume symbol appeared over his head as he spoke.

"I'm honestly not sure, let's go see." The blue one responds back with curiosity evident in his voice. They jump from platform to platform how do they not hurt themselves?! They are soon standing in front of me and they are wobbly their arms flailing wildly. One accidentally steps on me and I yelp pulling my legs closer to myself. I hear a light rustling coming from the volume sign above the blue figure. If I'm completely honest they are quite creepy...

"I wonder if it takes damage?" The figure thinks out loud and the red figure bounces his shoulders as if to say he doesn't know. The blue figure then jumps like a super hero or some shit and disappears to only return with a gun. My eyes get wide and I push myself backwards and to the wall only to see the gun being pointed at my face. I turn my face and hold my hand up.

"Please!" I yell then the gun is dropped. I sigh and put my hand down push myself even closer to the wall if possible. The figures just stand there.

"It can speak? What is this game?!?! this has to be a bug....." I then hear rustling and a loud ringing in my ears I drop to the ground instantly and wake up in my bed. I set up and wipe the sweat off of my forehead. What just happened? I then lay back down then I hear movement downstairs.

I grab a hard back book off of my bedside table and slowly step down the hallway. I head downstairs to the living room. I look around the railing only to see my idiot brother John raiding my fridge....

I scream and he shoots up and hides around my island in the kitchen. He then sees me and rolls his eyes as I laugh my ass off. He walks back to the fridge but before he gets there I slam the door and stand in front of it.

I push him away and make him set at the bar side of the island.

"So why are you in my house?" I ask with my hip propped up and my eyebrows up. He then sighs and looks at the door I look we're he does and I see bags on the floor. He got kicked out again... he looks at me and then down... I go around and hug him and he rests his head on my shoulder. His bleach blonde long hair with brown roots drapes behind him. I squeeze him tight before letting him go he looks down and doesn't want to make eye contact with me my adult brother that plays video games for a living and is the sassiest person I know is now afraid of my look of disapproval. I lift up his head and I look into his blue eyes.

"What happened this time John?" I said already knowing.

"I punched the landlord..... again...." he said looking at his hands. That have rings lined along them.

"Spare bedroom.....but only until you can get back on your feet."
I said and he hugged me. Grabbing his stuff he headed up the stairs but not before thanking me once again. He was then finally out of sight and I sat on the stool that he had previously sat on. Now what the fuck was that dream?.......

(So a bit of a longer chapter here but I want to make them longer so as always I HOPE YE ENJOYED!!!!

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