Airplane Trouble...

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(A.N. So I hope you enjoy this chapter don't worry guys! she will meet Smii7y soon enough😁

"Welp lets go meet Craig." I let out a long wobbly breath and head out the door I see my brother stand at the top with a hand out for me to grab. I grip onto his hand and my palms become sweaty. I take my other hand and grip his upper arm tightly.

"Hey it will be ok... Y/N your gorgeous! And even though Craig has a girlfriend I'm sure he will think you look good too! And your personality is so calming... ok? Let's go." He says as he cups my cheek with his much larger hand.

I nod. And shaking nervously we head down the stairs. I stay behind John since I am much smaller than him, he can hide my body easily. That is the perks of being 5'4'' and having a 6'2'' brother.

I guess Craig heard us come down the stairs because he gets up off the couch and turns around. He can't see me but he can see me holding John's hand and that's it.

"Craig this is Y/N..." John tries to pull me from behind him but I am frozen in place. I shove my face in his back and shake violently. He sighs and turns holding me.

"I'm sorry, I know this means a lot to you..." I say and start to cry. I fucked it up and now Craig will leave.

"Hey... No... it's ok shhh..." he rocks me back and forth. I then feel a third hand touch me. Knowing it's not Johns I flinch and the hand is removed immediately.

"Hi Y/N, I'm Craig you didn't mess anything up I understand what's wrong... if you want to talk I won't hurt you..." he says with concerned eyes. I feel less tense and John finally let's go. He turns me to Craig and I wipe my eyes. He smiles and comes in for a hug. He squeezes me and it surprises me at first but then I realize he's not going to hurt me and I hug him back. I let go and turn John he looks super happy and like a proud dad. I giggle as he puts his hands on his hips like super man and puffs out his chest.

"So are you good now?" He asks smiling like an idiot. I nod my head and sniff taking the sleeves of my sweater to dry around my eyes.

"I'm gonna go clean up..." I say and point to my face. John waved me off I run off up stairs and fix my make up. I come back down and go to my kitchen with the 2 boys.

"Want a drink?" I ask dragging a Smirnoff Ice out of the fridge. He nods and John grabs one also. I feel like I will really like this guy. I hand him his drink and we talk the night away.

I feel asleep not long after Craig left and I was put into a dream of Poly Bridge. I spawned and immediately fell into the water. I hear John sigh and build a metal box on land. John moves his mouse and clicks on me. I feel a tugging at my shirt and I am lifted up an into the air John being as careful as he can be. I am dropped into the box and I hear his chair squeak.

"I can't believe this..." John says I then feel the all to familiar shock of pain and it knocks the breath out of me. I wake up and scream in agony. I instantly feel arms wrap around me and John starts to cry. I cry with him as I set paralyzed in pain for 45 minuets. God I hope this doesn't last forever....

——————Time skip 2 months because I can...😁————————

I met Craig and then Sami not long after and she is like a older sister and we are really close. John is really happy that I made some friends. I and currently packing for Tyler's 4th of July party and most of the Banana Bus Crew will be there and some others too. I finish up my shirts and move onto packing my pants we are staying there for 3 months because me and John will be staying at a local hotel. I then hear my door open and Sami waltzing in and setting down behind me. She begins to play with my hair as I rearrange my clothes.

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