Enraged Makeout

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(A.N. I love y'all so much like really I am eternally grateful for y'all! This one might be a little short! Sorry! But as always I HOPE YE ENJOY!!!


Your reassurance was over as you and Jaren drove home in silence. You took the opportunity to look around the car. The smooth leather seats were a bit chilly due to the night air seeping through the tiniest cracks of the car. You look at your hand intertwined with Jaren's and smile a bit before directing your attention to a box in the back seat. Your eyes light up and you squeal scaring the absolute shit out of your significant other.

You scramble out of the front and dive into the back grabbing onto the box of Gushers like you had just found a gigantic brick of gold. Jaren looks back at you wide eyed and you give him a closed eyed smile as you open a pack of the sticky, sweet treats and shove them in your mouth. He lets out a chuckle.

"Your unbelievable some times, to think that you can be so shy..." he says and shakes his head and leads his eyes back to the road. You only give a shy grin and nod your head. You eat the pack of gushers then like 2 more packs and you set them back in the seat. You get a idea and you smirk.

"Jaren?" You ask sweetly and he stares at you through the rear view mirror. You look back at him through your lashes with a serious but mischievous look.

"Yes?" He asks curiously.

"Do you want a Gusher?" You ask smiling and holding a single treat in you hand. You had then pulled into the driveway and Jaren looks at you through the mirror again. He shrugs and nods.

"Why not?" He asks himself smiling. You pop the gusher in your mouth and lean up in between the seats.

"Y/N what are you-" You stop him by pressing your lips to his in a heated kiss. You set on the centerpiece as he grabs your hips and scoots you closer to him. You take your tongue and shove the Gusher in his mouth. Swirling your tongues around and fighting for dominance. The gusher leaves a sweet taste and just makes the kiss 100x better in your opinion. You pull back for air and blush looking to the opposite side of the car.

He chuckles and kisses your cheek. You get out of the car and he gets out after you. You walk up to the front door seeing it's locked. Jaren fishes in his pocket for the keys and he finally finds them he shoves the metal object inside the knob unlocking it. But before he opens it, he makes a comment to you.

"I enjoyed that, maybe I should buy gushers more often?" He says and your cheeks flush a brilliant red shade. You giggle and he gives a soft smile. He pushes the door open letting you step in first then after you himself.

He pulls you into a hug from behind and kisses your ear. I makes your skin perk up with goosebumps traveling everywhere they could possibly be. You simply lean back into his chest and sigh with a content look on your face. You close your eyes and it feels like you could fall asleep right in his arms standing up.

"Hey, I don't think they are awake yet we could get some rest before the bombardment of questions." He suggests. You only nod. He leads your sleepy figure up the steps but you almost trip like half way up. He turns around and holds out his arms. You give him a confused but shy look. What does he want? You think as your facial expression is twisted with confusion. He notices and chuckles a bit as your stand before him clueless.

'Cute' he thinks to himself. He wraps his arms around you. He lifts you up and kisses your cheek before wrapping your legs around his waist and carrying you the rest of the way. You smile but shy away from his body as most as you could. He only pulls you closer and you eventually give up and lay your head on his shoulders.

Finally getting to my door Jaren opens the room that we have been sharing and immediately gets hot. He huffs our a breath of air and gently sets me down. I get confused, I then see the pictures taped on the walls. They are on every surface of the room. How did she copy this? Jaren stands there with a enraged expression and starts to tare the down.

"This is bull shit! She has no right to do this! You did nothing to her!" He says as you stare at him with mixed emotions. You were angry, sad, but also admiring Jaren that he really care he was so worked over it and you could really tell that he loved you.

You walk over to him and he is breathing heavily because of the seething rage setting in his veins.

"I love you." You blurt out and he stops and stares still breathing heavy. He pulls you into a hug before pulling away the slightest bit and looking you in the eyes. He smashes his lips to yours and sets off with a heated and passionate kiss. His hands roam up your shirt and down your hips and cupping your butt. He pulls you closer if even possible and molds your bodies together kissing deeper.

You let out a small moan at his roughness and he smiles in the kiss you pull away before things get to heated and you also needed air before you passed out. You look at him and he just smirks turning around and ripping away more photos from the wall. And says the next sentence with confidence and love strongly laced within it.

"I love you to Tweety Bird."

(A.N. So!? What did you think I tried😅 but what do y'all think about a small lemon in the next chapter let me know what y'all think! And as always I HOPE YE ENJOYED!

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