Forever and Always

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(A.N. I'm loving y'all's support and it honestly helps me so much with self esteem and such so thank you!💕 and I love the song above!!!I SHALL SHARE MY NARUTO MEMES WITH YOU!!!!and as always I HOPE YE ENJOY!!

"Here we go...." I puff out my cheeks as I make my way down the steps I get to the bottom of the steps still focused on my feet so I don't fall and blinding flash goes off. I raise my head and I see Sami with a camera and Craig behind her smiling. I roll my eyes and groan and walk over to her. She smiles and hugs me and I giggle a bit.

"So were is milk bag talking you?" She asks excited and almost shaking because apparently she wants nieces and/or nephews. I giggle at her and shrug my shoulders sighing.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me he just told me to get ready." I stand and sway back and forth on my feet feeling a bit bored until I hear a crash up stairs. I look up the steps and hear screaming and footsteps coming from the hallway at the top.

"N-No!!! Tyler I can do my own hair!! Kelly!!! The hairspray stinks stop! *spray noise* KELLY!!" I hear Jaren screech. I laugh and Craig goes up the steps. I turn back to Sami and Simone walks up.

"So are you excited?" Simone asks with a friendly smile. I nod.

"Yeah I feel like it's not real though." I say with a guilty look. Simone and Sami only hug me and Simone speaks.

"Y/N....Don't feel that way.... tonight is about you, ok? Feel happy and proud that a guy like Jaren likes you!"

(Don't know why but I though of the episode of SpongeBob where he yells "IM UGLY AND IM PROUD!" Sorryyy🤷‍♀️😅)

I smile and nod wiping my mind of the negativity and taking a deep breath replacing the shaky look with a smile. I hear multiple sets of feet pounding down the hall and descending down the stairs. I see Jaren's clothes and I smile. He has a maroon button up dress shirt with a black over coat and nice pants. He looks up and freezes on the steps.

Jaren's P.O.V

Wow... I saw her and... I have no words. She stopped me in my tracks as soon as I caught a glimpse of her. I see her give me a closed eye smile and I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I see her mouth moving but I can't focus on anything other than how absolutely stunning she looks at the moment. She stops and her eyebrow is raised. I snap out of my thoughts and OH SHIT SHE STOPPED TALKING! Uhhhh shit, what do I do? Did she ask me a question?

"Um lets just go, yeah?" I say and she giggles a tiny bit and I hear laughter around us as I pull her out of the door to the car. I open the car and see her slide in and I shut it once's she is inside I run around to the other side and hop in. I start to drive down the road and she puts her hand on my knee in a loving way of course. I look over to see her with a slight blush spread across her cheeks. I hope she likes this date...


I feel him pull my hand away from his knee and lace our fingers together I smile at his sweet gesture and just continue to stare out the window.

"So your not gonna ask me where we are going?" He asks glancing over then back to the road.

"Why? You wouldn't tell me anyway." I giggle and he just shrugs. We stop at a stoplight and he lets his hand slide off of the wheel. He shuffles in the seat and then he gets closer to me. He leans over and hooks a finger under my chin making me look into his eyes.

"I might have told you if you would have asked nicely~" He huskily says in my ear. I get flustered and my brain decides teasing back is an option. I ghost my lips above his I feel our hot breathing collide and it sends shivers down my spine.

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