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(A.N. I'm happy with this chapter even though it's a little short I tested out my fluff writing skills so I'm semi proud and I hope it satisfies y'all!! And the picture in the Media is my favorite picture of all time....but anyway I HOPE YE ENJOY!

"What the fuck was that?!" I say wide eyed.

I feel a hand slip into mine and I am being pulled out of the store I look at my hand and it travels up the arm of my dragger. I see Jaren with a red flushed and determined face that is quite cute to be honest. I giggle at my thoughts and he stops and looks back at me with a serious face.

"What's so funny?" He asks with a slight pout.

"Your cute when your determination gets the better of you." I say and giggle a bit more. I then see his eyes turn soft and a loving aura surrounds the both of us. Something inside of him sparks. He pulls me out of the mall and through the parking lot weaving through the cars he basically jerks open the car door and shoves me inside and I look at him confused.

I open my mouth to speak but soon I see his face and hand fly toward my face and before I know it I feel a pair of warm lips upon my own. With his slightly rough hands cupping my cheeks. My stomach swirls at the sudden action and I make a little noise indicating my surprise but within milliseconds I kiss him back.

He moves one hand to the back of my neck and the other to the small of my back. He pulls me closer and I end up on top of him somehow. He slides his tongue across my bottom lip and it send shivers down my spine. Me not getting the hint I sense a sudden irritation from him and he runs his hand up my shirt almost to my bra.

I gasp at his cool hands and he darts his tongue in my mouth exploring every inch like a new property he came in possession of. I moan a little but sadly we have to pull away because there is a thing called oxygen that we need to breathe. I gasp for air and I hear him chuckle a bit at my reaction. I giggle a little as well and press my forehead to his he smiles.

Then we hear thumping on the window and I quickly jump off of him since the position we were in was kinda suggestive. I see Sami and the other girls and guys around the car and I immediately blush readjusting my shirt due to Jaren's hands pushing it up slightly. Jaren seemed to be focused on something and I turn and meet his gaze on a small slip of paper.

The slip of paper that 'Ace' guy had given me. He picks it up and reads the number I see the sloppiest heart and winky face scribbled down on the paper. He gives me the paper with nervousness. I look at him confused and he looks into my eyes.

"I kissed you... we're not together, if your interested in him then go for it... You're beautiful you could have a good looking guy like that..." He says with disappointment and hurt in his voice. I scoot closer to him and I lay my hand on his face and make him look at me. I quickly connect our lips. This kiss wasn't rough and hungry like the last. It was more sweet and passionate and full of love. He kisses back and I smile feeling accomplished. I move away and look into his eyes.

"I want you... only you Jaren." I say and I hold up the piece of paper and rip it in half and let it float to the floor boards of the car. He pecks my lips and hugs me tightly gripping me to his body like a stuffed bear. I lay my head on his chest. Suddenly the doors of the car are unlocked. I had totally forgotten about the crowd of adults whistling and shouting outside the vehicle.

I pull back away from Jaren to meet everybody looking from the front windshield. I blush and hide my face and they all laugh. I feel Jaren's chest rumble as he chuckles. Everybody files into their cars and Kelly hops in the front seat squealing I smile at her and Tyler hops in along with John. My brother glares at me and then Jaren he then sets back in his seat and smirks looking out the window. I roll my eyes and just melt back into Jaren's arms as Tyler pulls out of the parking lot.

"And to think, if I wouldn't have came out here and beat on the window to stop you guys, y'all would have had sex in my car in the parking lot of a mall!" Tyler exclaims making me physically pale and Jaren chuckles nervously.

"Don't play dumb! I saw where your hands were!" Tyler looks back at Jaren smirking and swerving the car a bit. Kelly then swats at his head scolding him to stop and keep his eyes on the road. I look at Jaren who is cherry red and I just kiss his cheek giggling and snuggling back into him for the remainder of the car ride.

We get to the house and I decided that I was gonna shower I head to my room and I forgot that Jaren's hand was attached to mine so I subconsciously drag him up the set of stairs with me.

"I'm going to shower." I state and he nods flopping down on the bed. I head to the bathroom with my clothes and soon realize I didn't have any underwear forcing me to turn and walk back into the room. I walk into the room and see Jaren focus on something on his phone I slide the small Juul out of my pocket and breath in and blow the smoke in his ear making him yelp out in surprise. I try to contain my giggles as I fall to the floor and can't contain them and start wheezing. He realizes what has happened and he jumps off the bed getting on top of me and tickling my sides. My eyes widen as he does and I start to scream while laughing. John hauls ass down the hall and into the room only to see his sister being an idiot with his best friend. He smiles and rolls his eyes and closes the door again.

"J-Jaren! J-J-Jaren STOP! *wheeze* She yells desperate to get away. He then smiles and stops kissing her. The kiss was gentle at first but soon got heated Jaren runs his hand up my shirt his thumbs tracing lines below my bra. I shuddered and open my mouth with him swallowing my moans. Our tongues fight for dominance him winning of course. We get interrupted by Craig coming in and he drops to the floor at the sight before him. He then starts yelling and complaining about his eyes and how he needs bleach. We pull away a string of saliva still connects us. Jaren rolls his eyes at Mini and gets up helping me up as well. I peck his lips once more and receive another cry from Craig. I giggle and see Jaren's eyes light up a little. I grab underwear walking back to the bathroom hearing Craig ask Jaren why he put him through that torture and that he thought they were friends and stuff of that nature. I hop in letting the warming embrace of the liquid flow down my body making me smile and relax. I finally get the energy to wash everything and rinse my hair watching the suds of soap flow down my legs to the drain. I finish and get dressed and walk back to my room. I brush my hair in front of my mirror not really looking at the lovable hunk sprawled across my bed. I walk beside the bed and feel arms wrap around my hips and drag me down onto the bed. I smile at him in his half asleep state and kiss his nose. He cuddles me closer and I give up and decide to let sleep take over me.

(It was short and sweet and as always I HOPE YE ENJOYED!

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