Fess up

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(A.N. Um yeah.... Subscribe to KryozGaming...

Oh boy...

The door is open and I step behind John to hide. He walks in and I walk in behind him. He puts a hand behind his back and I latch onto it and swallow the lump in my throat. The room is silent and the atmosphere became intense. All eyes are on John and the arm he has behind his back.

"Are you gonna come out?" John asks. You just shove your head in his back and start to shake. Just like when you first met Craig and Sami... They are going to hate you. They are going to judge you. You hear him sigh. He turns and hugs you making you stop shaking.

"Do you wanna step back out? If so it's ok we understand." Tyler asks putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod and he opens the door and John steps out behind you.

"I'm sorry I can't do this..." You say as soon as the door closes. John rubs circles on the back of your hand.

"How many of them are there?" You ask.

"Five guys, Three girls, not counting ones you have already met... you can do this I know you can." John says and smiles at you. He's right you already know they won't like you... 7 days is all you will be around them until you can go to your own hotel room.

"I can do this..." You say and take a deep breath. John smiles and turns the door knob.

"Ready?" He says and you step behind him.

"As I'll ever be..." You flash him an uneasy smile. You take his hand behind his back. He opens the door and the chattering room is quiet once again.

"Ok... she's really shy so be gentle..." John says he pulls his hand out and guides you to in front of him. You open your eyes and see new and familiar faces. The familiar faces look proud and smile at you brightly. Waving shyly, they all wave back. Your face is really hot and then he reminds you.

"Breath, it's ok, see your fine!" John says and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Well I will start I guess, I'm Melina, and this is Anthony!" She says and holds his hand.

"Hi I'm Simone! And this is Marcel!" She kisses his cheek and he smiles and waves with a quick Hi.

"Hi I'm Chrissy, and this is Scotty!" A mid hight man says in a high pitch voice. Everybody laughs including me.

"Other way around... but heart eyes over here is Smitty and that is Evan." She says and the pale Canadian gets crimson.

"Baby you don't have to make those eyes at Daddy we are already dating!" John boast and runs to Smitty and kisses his cheek and hugs him.

"Ahh John let go! Ugh your disgusting!" He yells and I giggle.

"Whatever baby!" John laughs and kisses his hand and puts his hand on Smitty's mouth. Smitty then yells a number of curses to John and pushes him away you laugh and John comes over to you and hugs you. All of the girls awe and you just hug back embarrassed of your big brother.

"You guys are definitely sibling goals!" Melina coos.

"I know right!" John squeezes you hard and you groan in pain and Sami yells out and pushes John back.

"Hey dude easy!" She says and pulls up your shirt enough for everybody to see your terribly bruised hip. All eyes are wide and questions are being made left and right. You push your shirt down and hear John saying that your not ready to say anything yet. With all of the people crowded around you you try to escape the hoard of people. You feel a hand grab yours and you are pulled from the chaos. You are then pulled up a set of stairs, down a hallway, and into a room.

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