Im fine...

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(A.N. Merry Christmas😏😉

I then feel John's face turn red and get hot and take in a deep breath which means he is furious with them.

He picks me up and lays me on the bed across the room out of sight and pulls the blankets over me. He kisses my forehead and walks back over to his computer. He then sets down and takes a long deep breath and the call is filled with silence. He opens his eyes and you can see he is filled with rage.

"If you guys ever fucking think about speaking to her again.... DON'T BECAUSE I WILL CRUSH YOUR FUCKING SKULLS! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU SHE IS SHY AND IS GOING THROUGH SO MUCH SHIT I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE MY FRIENDS AND YOU DO THIS TO MY FUCKING SISTER! I-" He yells hitting his desk with such force that he breaks his mouse. I force myself up out of the bed and grab his arm.
"John please!" I yell over him with watery eyes. I gently pull on him but still remain out of the camera frame. He turns to me and his eyes soften and he just ends the call and hugs me.

"I'm sorry..." I say with regret in my eyes and voice.

"It's not your fault Y/N, those pricks wouldn't leave you alone." He says wiping the tear streaks of mascara away with is thumb.

"I'm sorry I put you in that... I should have knew better because once they started I didn't know how to get you out of the situation..." he says looking down and grabbing my hands.

"I just get really mad when something happens to you Y/N, And I can't control my anger... Ever since mom.... I just cant loose you too..." he says to you and rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of your hand.

"I know John it's ok... it's been a long day for us both why don't we head off to sleep?" I suggest. He agrees hugging me goodnight and heading to bed I walk to my bedroom and lay down drifting off into a deep sleep.... or so I thought... I am welcomed with the purple glow and big boxes... I hear voices... I can heard Vanoss, Mini, Fitz, Delirious, Jay and Smitty in their own conversation what is going on?

I walk to the end of the boxes and look up I see Mini but he is gigantic. It's like he is being projected on a big screen. I then listen in on their conversation.

Mini- "we probably won't hear from John for a while...." he sighs

Jaren- "I told you guys to stop... I bet she is really gorgeous though..." he wonders. I blush at the thought. But Jaren wouldn't like me... no, no he wouldn't like somebody like me. Remember Y/N it's a dream!

Fitz- "Is Smit getting a little mystery girl crush?" He teases.

Jaren- "SHUT THE FUCK U-..... what is that? Do you guys see a girl on your screen?" He questions. And my heart stops... I freeze and hope if I stay still he will ignore me.

Mini- "Actually yeah she's really tiny... is it a new update to Discord?" He asks confused.

Delirious- "me and Cartoons saw the same girl in Stick Fight today... she talks... What's your name if you can hear me?"

"Y-Y/N...." I say shyly. They all let out gasps. And then lean in.

"How did you get in our computer are you a stalker hacking into our computer?" Vanoss says getting a little defensive. See none of the boys know my name well now they do...and they don't know what I look like so there for they don't know me personally and where I came from and honestly I'm beginning to question where I came from myself....

"No I don't know where I am... I really don't know why I'm here... I wake up in these dreams..." I say not being able to find my words.

"This isn't real. Delirious is this a prank?" Mini says I hear a loud ringing sound and I collapse to the floor like I had from the nap before. I feel a terrible pain go through my body like a surge of electricity hitting and breaking every bone. I wake up with a loud and overwhelming gasp for air. I yell as my bones ache and wince as I try to move around. And I am in a car? And we are moving? I look over to see my brother in tears driving fast. He looks over and pulls the car into a wide spot just off the road.

"Y-Y/N!!" He yells and holds your hand.

"John what's going on? Take me back home." I say confused. Trying not to move to much. He shakes his head violently looking at me with wide eyes.

"N-No! I came in to ask you if you wanted food because we haven't ate anything I tried to wake you up *sob* b-but you weren't b-breathing!" He chokes the last bit out and takes a deep shaky breath.

"I'm ok now John let's just go home..." I say grabbing his hand. He looks at me and just stares debating wether or not to take me home... he then turns the car around and drives us back home. Thank god if he only knew.

(So I hope you liked the 4th chapter! I hope you like the new longer ones but anyway AS ALWAYS I HOPE YE ENJOYED!!

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