Self Doubt...

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(A.N. So I came out of the closet to my step mom and I feel so relieved... and Smii7y is so freakin adorable in this!😆❤️

Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
"I feel all of the pain in a game if I am in a game... and I was in the guy's Discord call before i woke up with you in the car... I hear a loud noise and I feel paralyzed but it hurts so bad..." I say letting a tear slip down my face.

"Do you wanna try? I don't understand how this works." He says confused. She stiffens up and looks at him dreading the idea... just waiting for the pain.

"You don't have to but I can't understand it if I don't know what is going on..." He rubs her back and wraps an arm around her. He makes her look him in the eyes. See you guys have always been very physical with each other you present your love by touch so hugging and such was a very big part of your relationship with each other.

"But what if I'm not in your game? What if your not there?" I say clutching to his stained shirt.

"I will be right here Y/N." He says lovingly.

"Ok but I think that I have to watch a video of yours... every time I slept I was watching a video of the person I joined the game with..." I say realizing that occurrence.

"Ok well... can I invite Craig?" He questions smirking. I glare at him for a split second and shake my head no.

"He will see my face John!" I pout after he groans.

"Your gonna have to meet him some time! I live with you and he comes over a lot!!" He says annoyed and playful. I sigh making a worried face at the blonde boy. Maybe another person seeing my face wouldn't be so bad.

"Fine..." I say John then hugs me before pulling me to his room and making you lay in the bed. He then tosses you a shirt of his. You throw it on and begin to watch a video. John loads up his computer opening discord. He immediately calls the coffee obsessed Brit and looks behind his shoulder to see that your ok and getting situated.

You then hear a pause and a light sound that indicates he answered. John is blocking your view of him and he explains the situation to Craig.

"So your sister can travel technology?" He says confused.

"Yeah basically but it hurts her..." John says with a frown.

"So where do I come in?" He asks confused. John then takes his phone and checks the time.

"I need your help Mini..." he looks back at me for a minute and I look eyes with him. I get nervous and start to shuffle in bed.

"Can you come over?" Your brother says almost hopeless.

"What? Will she be ok with that I mean she doesn't want us to see her-" I cut the rambling boy off.

"I want to meet you Mini.... you seem trustworthy....." I say looking at my fingers that have rings littered all over them just like John's.

"I am Y/N trust me... I'm excited to meet you....John text me the address...." he says like he's on a mission as he disconnects.

John looks down at his phone typing then he smiles at you teasingly. You then decide you needed to relieve yourself in the bathroom so you get up and roll your eyes at your annoying and childish brother.

As you arrive to the bathroom, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You gasp at the bags under your eyes, your skin is oily from days of not showering, and your hair could be a literal rats nest. You scrunch up your nose in pure disgust.

I'm ugly, weak. Jaren would never like me... Would he? No I'm not good enough for Jaren he's to kind and to good for him to have something like me.... I wouldn't be something to show off to others...And how does my brother even stand to be around me? He honestly is probably doing it for a place to live that's it. He has nowhere else to go so he is just sucking up to me for a place to live... when he finds a place he will leave and never think about you Y/N... heh when Craig walks in the door he will probably see you and his eyes will melt.

As you think this all to yourself you look at yourself in the mirror and decide to take a shower after reminiscing about how gross you look. You shut and lock the door and peel your brothers shirt off along with your shorts and rings. You lay them all on the counter and turn on the water.

You finally jump in when it's warm enough and feel the warm liquid flow down your body. You scrub your hair and rinse it you decide to use a little more conditioner than normal to get the tangles out of your hair. You just clear your mind as you wash your body. You stand for another good couple of minutes in the water before shutting it off and stepping out. You wrap a towel around you and have one wrapped around your hair you grab your rings sliding them back on your fingers and adjusting them just to waist a little time.

You then grab your brothers shirt and slip it over you since it was like a dress on you. You had no clean underwear or bra so the only thing that covered you was his shirt since you didn't think Craig would be here. You will just have to rush to your room. You go to reach for the handle of the door and a knock is placed on it from the other side.

"Hey Y/N/N are you good?" John asks on the other side of the barrier. You huff smiling at the big, lovable, dork's voice. It made you feel better that he thought to check on you after a harmless well needed shower. You start to giggle.

"I'm ok John..." you say and open the door. He looks down at you and sees your only wearing a shirt and gets into protective brother mode.

"Where are your clothes! Craig is down stairs!" He says grabbing your hand and marching you down the hall to your room slinging the door open he sets you on the bed. He picks out an outfit and lays it on the bed next to you. He was always good with fashion and things of that nature. He smiles proudly at the set of clothes and leaves the room after pointing to the clothes.

I look at the clothes and observes is choices a mustard yellow sweater with black leggings with a leather strip down the side with mustard yellow converses.

'Not bad' You think to your self you brush your hair and slip on underwear and bra. You then slip on the outfits John graciously picked out for you. I sigh and check the time on my alarm clock.

"Welp lets go meet Craig."

(A.N. So I hope you like this chapter took me days to write I changed it so much and finally got it done! but as always I HOPE YE ENJOYED!!

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