Games and Dates

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(A.N. I am so thankful for my readers and the feedback I have gotten from this book! Thank you guys so much! I literally have no words to explain how happy I am that people like my writing! Just thank you again honestly! But as always I HOPE YE ENJOY!!!

I feel around and I'm in the dark. I feel around for a switch but feel a rack of things. I feel around feeling large rolls of toilet paper and squishy bags of soap. I jump as the lights flash on, and then a scream bellowed out afterward.


"Eat pipe bomb mother fucker!!"

I cower in the corner and see a huge guy outside the door through the little window sliver. He had muscles that were the size of my waist and he grunted with each step that he took. Making you tremble in fear at just the mere thought of him coming close to you. I involuntarily whimpered to myself as I tried to hide and make no sound so the monstrous alien of a man wouldn't come my direction.

I close my eyes after I feel like I had somewhat successfully hidden myself from his line of sight. The door then swings open making a banging on the wall as it slammed again the painted cinder block wall. I hold my breath and fear for my life as I hear a conversation start to brew.

"It says somebody is in here but all of the characters are out here?" Says a blonde girl that has a oddly deep voice and sounds like a man. I cower deeper into the pile of toiletries that I have burrowed in and whine a small bit.

I then see a brunette with a head brace that had braces and such that were surrounding her face. I soon realize the voices and step out of the pile and wipe my clothes of any fuzz or lint.

"What? Um... John your sister has a character in the game?" Marcel questions and John responds immediately.

"What?! No... Oh shit, not again..." I then see the huge figure stomp down the hallway and back into the room. I yelp and hide around a rack of toilet paper.

"It's ok Y/N it's me John... your in a game, again..." My eyes widen and I  groan. John then starts to answer and explain how this happened and it had before. All of the characters are in the room as I feel a ghostly presence around me. I shiver a bit trying to shake the feeling off but this doesn't go without notice to John.

"Are you ok?" He asks with concerned eyes. I feel a hand on my shoulder rub up and down but nobody is there so I get chills and I jump screaming a bit and hold my arm.

"I touched her arm... d-did you feel it?" I then suddenly hear Jaren stutter out. I nod my head weakly and then I ask who host is. I then hear a quick 'me' from Scotty. I then hear John state that he was coming up to the room with Jaren to calm me once it happened.

"You have to shut your computer down Scott..."

"What? Isn't that like killing you?!?" He says with surprise. I nod my head but look up to his character.

"It only hurts for a little while Scott I'll be fine... please?" I say I can tell he is shocked. I let him adjust before I hear Mini offer to do it. I hear shuffling.

"Sorry Y/N." Is thrown out really quick and I feel a surge of electricity and my knees buckle and I let out a blood curdling shriek. My eyes are suddenly opened and pain is shooting through every part of my body. I hear the soothing words from my brothers deep voice and the hushed panics that Jaren manages to whisper out. I lay whimpering in pain until I finally pass out due to exhaustion from the pain.

         ______Some hours later_____

I wake up to the sound of rummaging. I try to open my eyes but immediately close them back due to the light. I don't feel any pain when I slowly move my arms so I groan and roll over clutching to the thin blanket and pulling it up to cover the bottom half of my face only exposing my eyes and hair. I finally muster up the courage to open my eyes and brave the horrible light that is coming from the window and I see John swiftly looking for something in his closet.

"What are you doing? Shut the light off." I groan and push my face deeper into the pillow. I feel a dip in the bed and feel a hand push up my shirt a bit and rub my back. I know it's Jaren so I just lay there loving the feeling of contact.

"I'm pretty sure if I were a cat I would be purring~" I say and he chuckles. John just grunts and runs off to another room. I roll over and I feel his hand stay still as it slides across my back to my stomach. I make eye contact with him and look deeply into his eyes. I get lost in them but I am soon brought back when a pair of lips collide with my own. I let my eyes flutter shut and take advantage of the sweet kiss. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You know I never properly asked you out, right?" He questions. I just nod and take a deep breath. I lean up and put my forehead against his.

"You didn't have-"

"But I want to!" He cut me off and I see a light in his eyes. He then pulls away from me.

"I'm gonna take you somewhere!" He says and smiles big like he's proud of his idea.

"Are you asking me on a date, Mr. Milkbag?" He nods with a bright smile. But then it fades.

"That's is if you want me too..." He says getting shy all of a sudden. I immediately connect my lips with his cheek and give him a reassuring closed eyed grin.

"I would love to Jaren." I smile he gets all hyper and excited and I just giggle as he bounces around me telling me 'thank you' over and over. He then attacks my face with kisses and I giggle.

"Ok! Ok! I'm gonna pick out something to wear, if your taking me out!" He then nods quickly kissing my forehead and strutting out of the room. I shake my head and chuckle at his sudden boost of confidence.

I then start to think. Where is he gonna take me? He has seen a lot more around her than I have, right? Oh my lord what am I gonna wear? I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom I brush my teeth and comb my rats nest of a mop called my hair and I slip on some joggers and a T-shirt from my high school that has the mascot on it.

I walk to the closet and run my hands over the fabrics of the different shirts and pants until I get to the dresses. I decided that I would put some effort into my outfit for once and I look for a nice clean dress.

I pick a simple elegant dress that is a maroon just above the knee cocktail dress it has a skirt that flows and a tiny and very thin sleek and shiny black belt that wraps around the waist of the soft silky cloth.

(Picture of dress up top!)

I keep my make up simple with just some mascara and lip gloss. I take my hair out of the bun on my head and decide that the curl/wave style is good enough and I just side part it and run a brush through it. I grab a small hand bag and some black flats and set off out the door taking a deep breath and walking down the steps.

"Here we go..."

(A.N. I'm on a vacation with my dad at the moment but anyway I racked my brain for this and tried to ring out what little bit of creativity I have into it so hope you are excited for the next chapter!! And as always I HOPE YE ENJOYED!

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