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(A.N. I feel like I lost a lot of people for that last one so she will meet Smitty in this one to make up for it😅

I wake up to John holding my hand and setting on the floor beside me. I look down and I'm laying on a gurney with medics surrounding me in the airport floor. I take off the oxygen mask and try to set up but John pushes me back down. I feel helpless as all the memories rush back to me. I stare at the ceiling.

"We're is Sami?" I say blankly.

"I'm here Y/N!" She desperately pushes through the medics to get to me. She gets on her knees next to me and I give her a look and just cry. She pulls me in a hug and I ball into her clutching to her shirt as she cry's for me also. John rubs my back and I calm down I finally get to set up and just stare at the wall.

"Um John, Tyler is here, I told him it was best for only him and Kelly to come at the moment. Of course Smitty was mad but he doesn't know what is happening and neither does Tyler yet..." Just as he says that I see a super tall guy walk in with a shorter blonde girl. Craig goes to them and John goes to get up. I whimper and grab his hoodie sleeve giving him pleading eyes. He lowers back down and pulls me to him.

"Sami please?" He says and Sami hesitantly walks over to Craig and I assume Kelly and Tyler. I squeeze my eyes shut and a hear a medic grab the gurney and leave.

"It's probably a dumb question but do you feel ok?" He say.

"H-he touched me J-John..." I say fiddling with the rings.

"I should have got to you sooner... now it's all my fault that he hurt you..."He says and hugs you a little tighter trying to keep in tears.

"It's ok John nobody knew it was gonna happen... you did everything right..." I say and then feel my shirt being lifted up a little. I turn and Sami is looking at my hips in anger. I stand up and so does John. I see Craig, Sami and Tyler super pissed and Kelly is radiating sympathy. I look down and see the bruises. I have them on my hips where the fucker gripped me so hard. I have some on my stomach and a huge one on my chest where he basically body slammed me with his hand to the wall. There are huge hand prints bruised into my skin.

"Did that fucker do all of this?" Tyler says with his jaw obviously clenched. I just nod and he walks up to me and hugs me it's not like a sympathy hug. It's a protective brotherly hug.

"You will never be left alone at least not when I'm around. I will make it a point to protect you from any harm, I'm for damn sure that this man will never touch you again." He says and looks me strait in the eyes.

"Thank you Tyler that means so much, really." I say and John grabs my hand.

"We both appreciate it." John states and Tyler goes in for a bro hug. Sami touches my side and I wince she removes her hand pulls me away from the boys.

"Let's go calm down and get some coffee, Yeah?" She says and grabs Kelly's arm and she whispers in Craig's ear and he says to get him something too. She smiles for an answer. She links our arms along with Kelly's. We walk in silence to the Starbucks and we all order our favorite drinks. Yours being Y/F/D of course. And you all set down and you let out a large breath.

"This sucks that this was the way we had to meet ,but I'm Kelly, for a formal introduction." She says and holds out her hand across the table. I take it and shake it agreeing with her.

"So I hear you have a crush?" She smirks and Sami squeals telling her all about it. Kelly becomes hooked and she giggles along with Sami fangirling over me liking Jaren.

"He was so mad when he couldn't come. He locked himself in the car until Tyler dragged him out into the yard and we jumped in and left." She says laughing at the memory. My face goes red. But he doesn't like me! I can't get all caught up in feelings.

"You guys will be together by the end of this trip!" Kelly smiles and I shake my head.

"He would never like me, I mean come on girls look at me I'm not good enough for really anybody to date me... I'm not somebody he can show off and people be like 'wow he's lucky'... You guys are perfect while I look like a malnourished, tired 10 year old..." I say fiddling with my rings trying to bring myself comfort. Almost immediately I hear a snort and I look up to see Craig.

"Your funny, cause you are just as beautiful as these two are maybe not quite as beautiful as I view Sami but you are amazing nonetheless! And by the video we just got sent I think you will reconsider your statement." He pulls out his phone and you see a boy with brown hair laying face down on the couch with a caption of 'since you left🤣' coming from Chrissy.

"You ok there bud?" A female voice asks. You hear the guy groaning and laughter from multiple people.

"Mffff mffff mfffff mfff mfff!!!" He yells again not showing his face. Then again you hear giggling.

"What was that?" The feminine voice asks again with a slight laugh in her voice. The man then gets up head in hands and he yells once more.

"I JUST WANNA MEET HER!" Before he collapses on the couch and the clip ends. Kelly smiles and Sami squeals pulling on my sweater my face is hot and I pull my hands to my face and squish my cheeks together out of frustration. Kelly laughs and we begin to walk out of star bucks and throw our cups away but not the ones we got for John and Tyler. We go outside the airport and John and Tyler are by the car.

"We ready?" Tyler asks we all give somewhat of a agreement and we pile in the car.

"Umm question!" Tyler announces as we pull out of the parking lot. John hums as if to say go on.

"Are y'all staying at mine or a hotel?" He says looking in the rear view mirror at us.

"Um we are gonna stay at your for like a week...then we will be able to check in the hotel room I rented." John says. I sigh and everyone's eyes are now on me.

"So I have to meet them?" I say almost whining. John nods and looks at me questioning if I am in the state to meet new people or not, since everything went down.

"Don't worry Y/N, you will be fine I will make them behave, especially Jaren since he is the most excited." Tyler winks back at me and the girls giggle. I get red and lay my head against the window and I am silent the rest of the way. We finally pull up in a driveway and the house is a decent size. Kelly looks at her phone and she immediately starts to wheeze laugh she shows Tyler and he starts to laugh too.

"47 texts?!?! This boy is obsessed!" Craig yells laughing also.

"Let me guess Smit?" John chuckles out. And they all nod. And my face gets red. We all see the door fly open and Kelly jumps out of the car. But not before 2 or 3 of the boys are out the door. She pushes them all back inside and we start to get out.

"I'll have to thank her for that later." You say to nobody in particular. Everyone gets out and you are the last to. You get out and you hit your bruised hip on the car door and you groan and hold your side. John pulls up your shirt and looks at it making sure you didn't hurt yourself worse.

"Ugh they look 10x worse!" Sami says picking up your luggage for you.

"I got it!" You say but Tyler steps in the way and takes it from Sami.

"No I do." He says and flashes a smile. You huff and push down your shirt and take johns hand. You make it to the door and you can hear Kelly saying that they need to stay calm. Tyler laugh and he opens the door.

Oh boy...

(A.N. Heh... so she didn't meet Smit...but she will soon! So I will try and upload another chapter along with this one so she can meet Smitty faster😁 But as always I HOPE YE ENJOYED!

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