You dont have to

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(A.N. So hi I'm writing this the same night I did the last chapter... but as always I HOPE YE ENJOY!!!

I look out into my living room as I ponder about the strange things that happened when I was supposedly asleep. I run my hand through my hair and lay my head on my cold, smooth, marble counter. I close my eyes and sigh out. I then feel a hand on my back. I hear John walk to the stool beside me before he sets down and turns to me I lift my head up and press my lips into a strait line. Me and John have always had a close relationship with each other.

"You good? If me staying here is to much I will leave... I don't want to be a burden but I will help with bills un-" I suddenly stop him with his rambling.

"It's not you John your fine... I just don't know what is happening to me..."

"Well we can play some video games?" He suggest and I lighten up and I agree so he drags me upstairs and starts to set everything up. He gets excited and I start to giggle at him. He stops for a split second and throws me a hand sign and puts it close to his face.

"Suh dude" Then he races around more as I giggle wildly at his remarks. He says when I laugh that I sound like a tea kettle and just wheeze. He then finishes everything and gets me off of his gaming chair and sets down with me setting on his lap. He starts everything up and as soon as he opens everything up he gets a call. I see it is a video call and I jump out of frame he chuckles and smiles grabbing my hand out of frame. He focused on the person calling him. I have never really liked to interfere with John and his friends. I don't want them to see me. He wants me to meet them and has tried several times. Mini knows because he has tried to see my face before but has failed. I am not that good looking in my opinion but John in a brotherly way says I look good. But I feel like he has to say that... they then start a conversation.


"Hey Kryoz! Wanna play some Stick Fight?"

"Yeah sure my sister was gonna play with me, but she's shy because she is a pussy" he laughs looking over at me. I let go of his hand and I look offended putting a hand to my chest and he laughs harder. I look at the screen and see Mini Ladd on screen looking at something.

"She shouldn't be shy it's not like we will be rude to her..." Craig says simply as he messes with something off camera. I then see another screen come into view and it is McCreamy or Jay. His black hair messy and it sounds like he just woke up. Now there is no way in hell I am showing my face... He says a quick hello and they all set in silence as Mini boots up the game and gets a code. John looks at me and makes faces as I stand a little bit away giggling. I guess McCreamy caught this and looked at John wide eyed.
"What the fuck John? Ya got your girlfriend with ya?" He says looking at Johns face. John laughs and shakes his head.

"It's my pussy sister that wants to play games but is scared you guys won't like her." He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.

"She sounds hot." Jay says simply and my face heats up. I cover my face and laugh nervously. John catches this and he suddenly reaches over catching my arm. He spins me around and pulls me to his lap. I am now latched onto him like a baby. My eyes get wide and I start to freak out. Knowing they can see me but not my face. I burry my face in his neck.

"Show your face it's ok Y/N." John says soothingly. Rubbing circles on my back. I shake my head and I hear the sound of another person coming through. John sighs knowing I'm not gonna show my face now. I then hear a voice I have heard many times before. Vanoss...

"What the fuck is going on John?" He laughs with a smirk and a cocked eye brow. My breathing hitches as John explains once again how I'm scared. I now have the 3 boy's attention as John is whispering stuff to me. I start to break down and John notices and squeezes me tighter. Before long I have each and every member of the crew on the discord call wanting me to show my face. Vanoss, Delirious
Wildcat, MiniLadd, Panda,Nogla
Scotty, Basically, Cartoons, Ohm, Bryce, Moo, Brian. The other guys he plays with sometimes start to join also, Fitz, Swagger, Grizzy, McCreamy, Toby, Zuckles, INotorious, Raccooneggs, and lastly Smii7y, I've had a crush on Smii7y for a while now and he is Johns best friend and he knew you had a crush on the Canadian so the air intensified as soon as Smii7y's voice was heard. You hadn't said a word as they all tried to talk to me and get me to show my face but each time I just pushed my face back into John's neck and latched on tighter.

"Guys if she doesn't want to show her face, she doesn't have to I know how she feels."  I hear Smii7y's voice say. It's calming to hear and I loosened my grip on my brother.

"Tell him I said thank you~" I whispered into my brothers ear before sticking my face back in the crook of his neck. Everybody stopped as John spoke.

"She said thank you Smit..."John said and sighed. Delirious then began to say that he also understood my pain. Everybody started to get loud and johns computer just radiated noise throughout the room. I could hear them talking about me saying I was probably the shyest girl they had met. And some poking fun at Smii7y and Delirious for trying to stand up for me. I began to cry and all got quiet. John felt me crying and went into protective big brother mode. He began to wipe my tears with his thumbs and hug me. Rubbing my back under my tank top and kissing my forehead. But made sure that my face was not to the camera.

"I don't think I have ever seen John get so serious in my life..." I heard Basically say in a surprised tone as Fitz and Swagger agreed.

"I told you guys to stop." Smii7y says with a hint of anger flowing through his voice. I then let out a loud, ugly sob and clutch onto johns shirt. Instant regret fills the call as sympathetic eyes and sighs are heard.

"You don't have to Y/N it's ok I got you." He whispers to me, pulling me closer and holding my head with his other hand. I sob for another full minute loud ugly sobbing is now flowing through the speakers. Now they will all hate me and think I am just a crybaby.....I then feel John's face turn red and get hot and take in a deep breath which means he is furious with them.

(A.N. So the guys made you cry and Smii7y was sticking up for you and now Kryoz is mad what will happen next time on Dragon Ball Z? 🤣 but anyway AS ALWAYS I HOPE YE ENJOYED!!!

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