Sealed Fate

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(A.N. So! Sorry for the really long wait! As you know this is the last chapter and all I can say is I'm sorry but your not gonna like it one bit but I am prepared to be hit with the oncoming wave of 'WHY'S' and 'WTF'S' so as always I hope ye enjoy!

/////////////////////Le Skip 2 weeks forward\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


I start to shove the last of my toiletries into the huge bag that I am taking home with me. I feel a presence behind me and I flop backwards on the floor landing at Jaren's feet and giving him a cute smile. He chuckles and decides to lay down with me. Him lying the opposite way but our heads next to each other.

"I don't know if I can do this..." I say with a sigh.

"What?! What do you mean?" Jaren says looking over to me.

"Being away from you this long is gonna kill me..." I say and pout looking at him getting tears in my eyes.

"We can do this baby we will visit every time we can, ok? We will be alright." He says kissing my forehead then putting his forehead on mine. I nod my head and smile but then I frown again.

"B-but w-what if you don't wanna be with me anymore because we are to far away?" I say looking at him as a tear rolls down my face.

"That wont happen ok? I promise I will do everything to stay with you. No matter what I will never leave you. I promise, You are my Tweety, My world." He then holds out his pinky wrapping it around mine and kissing his thumb, with me doing the same. I look at him for a second in silence... I hope he keeps his promises... I sigh and set up and zip up the bag.

"I'm taking a break on packing, I'm gonna talk to John..." I say and he nods kissing my hand before I leave. I walk down the hallway in almost a trance passing Sami and Craig talking they give me worried glances as I pass by. I stand at Johns door and I stare at it, lifting my hand to knock I move my hand to hit the grainy wooden door but I softly place my hand on the door.

"Y/N?" I hear as I place my head against the door. I feel a hand touch my shoulder and slide down rubbing my back in soothing circles. I look up to see Marcel and I just stare at him blankly.

"Where is John?" I ask quietly.

"He is-"

"Hey Y/N! Wha- What's wrong?" He says taking my hand with a concerned face. I all of a sudden break out in a cold sweat I feel a sweat bead trail down my forehead.

"Bubby.... I- I don't feel so good..." then I feel my knees buckle and I can no longer see. Darkness swallows my vision as I hear multiple voices fade out around me.

///////////////Time Skip\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

I gain my sight and I see a blue sky with a few clouds scattered here and there. I feel a cool object on my leg and I look down. A gray lifeless hand that is connected to a corpse is touching me. I scream and scramble up to my feet. As soon as I set up I get a flash of memories through my head.

A man standing on a porch of a two story, older looking house. He is a heavy set man with longer hair.

"Well, well, well look what we have here. Ain't you a pretty little thang? You must be hungry darlin', come on in sweetie suppers almost done if you wanna bite to eat and then you can rest your pretty little head. Please do join us?" He is scary looking but for some reason I am famished and exhausted so I comply with his request.

I walk up the steps and follow him inside and only then do I realize my outfit. I have a corset top and a semi puffed out to the floor length skirt. My H/L, H/C hair is in loose curls but is half up and half down. (Or if you have really short hair it is curled on top.)

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