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(A.N. So I literally hiding from a 10 year old in my room....yeah enjoy!

I step in the shower and let all of my thoughts leave me as the steamy liquid runs over my body. Running my hands from my sides to my hips I sigh and look at my body. The bruises are fully formed now and Every flaw sticks out like a sore thumb and somehow people still hang around me without thinking I'm disgusting. I set down in the bottom of the shower and cross my legs. Letting the water hit my face I sigh and put my head down. I set there for a good 20 minutes and finally stand up and finish with the shower.

I wrap a towel around my body and squeeze the extra water out of my hair. I sigh and realized that I didn't even grab clothes. I adjust the towel and pulling tighter around me. The towel hugs to my body since my skin was still wet. I open the door and see Jaren and John and their heads turn to me.

I see Smit blush at my choice of coverage which wasn't very much and I go to my suitcase.

"John I need help..." I look at my clothes and he comes over beside me. He picked out a comfy grey sweater and Black ripped Jeans.
(Picture at the top)

I smiled and kissed his cheek before heading back to the bathroom.

Jaren's P.O.V

I watched her kiss John's cheek and walk back to the bathroom. I watched her hips sway and I felt my chest tighten. I stared for a little too long at the door after it closed and John just laughed at me.

"Dude, it's weird watching your best friend stare at your sisters ass!" He said and chuckled patting my shoulder. Even with the obvious bruises she is still... stunning. I blush at his statement and push him away he laughs and shakes his head.

"You might not see it but she likes you too dude... she need somebody like you Jaren..." he says and moves his mouth to the side thinking. Y/N does that too when they are awkward or thinking. They must get it from a parent.

I just lay back on the bed scrolling through social media. She finally comes out and goes to her closet for shoes. I open them up and spot a pair just like mine. She only has like 5 pairs but they are all really cool.

"I have those!" I say pointing to the shoes and wiggling the ones on my feet. She smiles and picks them up slipping on socks then the shoes. She stands up and we leave the room. We step into the living room and her eyes immediately go to Channel.

"Do you wanna run to the store with me really quick?" I say trying to keep her away from that snake. She only stares at her and nods.


She is basically grinding on Evan in front of everybody. I just stare how could she do that. You could tell the whole house was uncomfortable even Evan. I then feel Jaren nudge me bringing me out of my focus.

"You coming?" He asks and reaches out a hand. I let my cheeks be dusted with a light pink color and I grab his hand. He leads me outside and to a black car but not before telling John where we are going first. He promises to protect me and John kisses my forehead and makes me giggle and say I will be ok.

"You need to ignore her, she's not better than you in anyway, and actually she needs to take pointers on fashion sense from you, because good lord!" He says and I giggle. He smiles at me and he stares at me. His one blue eye and one red eye they were stunning to me. They contrasted well off of each other and below his eyes freckles dusted his face. It seemed like every little tiny dot was placed just right on his cheeks and across his nose. He was handsome all around.

Jaren P.O.V

She was gorgeous her E/C eyes and H/C hair complimented each other like they were godly like. She had had a slight blush dusted across her cheeks and it made the view for me so much better. We stare at each other just taking each other's features in.

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