Mother of Two - Jackson Avery

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Summary; Reader is pregnant with Jackson's child. And Jackson convinces Reader to take the day off with him.

Warnings; None! :)

Word Count; 825 words

"Jackson!" You yell, wandering across the apartment, looking for him, "Where's Harriet's bottle?"

There isn't a response for a moment, but then Jackson pops out of Harriet's room. He has a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth, and in his arms, he has Harriet and the bottle.

"You could've told me you took the bottle." You laugh lightly to yourself, holding out your arms, "Give her to me."

"I don't want you to strain your body." He mutters, angling his head up so the toothpaste foam doesn't get on Harriet.

"Jackson, you're brushing your teeth, and we have to leave for the hospital soon. So, let's speed everything up a bit, shall we?" You ask, raising your eyebrows and holding your arms out expectantly again.

His face twists, with either amusement or uncertainty, which makes you sigh, and grab Harriet from him, "(Y/n) —"

"She's my child too, Jackson." You roll your eyes, grabbing the bottle from Jackson, and giving it back to Harriet, "If you think I'm straining my body, you're wrong. On more than one level. Because I'm carrying a goddamn baby."

He laughs, making you smile. He turns to go into the bathroom but smacks his head on the doorway on the way. That, makes you snort, and chuckle to yourself.

"Payback for trying to keep my baby girl away from me." You coo, looking down at her.

She looks up at you with wide eyes, and you make a couple of faces at her. A small smile comes to her lips, and you smile in response.

Looking back up, Jackson is rubbing his forehead, and he maneuvers around the doorway this time. He disappears into the bathroom, so you decide to get ready for yourself.

"You alright?" You call to him, and you walk into the bedroom.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He says back, coming into the room, "What are you doing?"

Turning to him, you raise your eyebrows, "Getting ready for work? Unless you're saying I can't do that either. And I don't know how Bailey is going to feel about that."

"I think you should stay home with Harriet." He says, coming to you and placing his hand on your cheek, you squint your eyes at him.

"Why? Is something going on at the hospital today? Or are you concerned?" You ask, "Because I'm going to the hospital today. I have a patient that needs surgery."

"Then let someone else take care of them." Jackson murmurs, his eyes flickering to your lips for a moment, "You can stay home and relax with Harriet for the day."

Puckering your lips, you're about to tell him no and get ready. But if you're going to stay home. Then he's going to stay home, whether he likes it or not.

"Only if you stay home too." You propose, watching his face and waiting for him to say no.

But he doesn't, it relaxes, and he nods, "If it gets you to stay home, then yes, I will."

"Alright, call us in, I'll get the popcorn and movies ready." You grin, he smiles, leaning down and kissing you.

After he pulls away, he rubs your cheek with his thumb, "I'll be right back."

"Don't run into the doorway." You joke, he laughs, and you look down at Harriet as Jackson leaves, "You ready for a lazy day? Because I am."

Walking into the living room, you sit down on the couch. You adjust the pillows to your liking, so they're easing the stress on some of the places you're feeling pain.

Looking down at Harriet, you see that she's fallen asleep with the bottle. She looks so at peace, which makes you happy. Even though she's so little, and hasn't had anything happen to her, she deserves the world.

"I know, Miranda," Jackson says, coming into the living room with the phone between his shoulder and ear. He's currently tying his pajama pants shut, which makes you laugh, "I just want her to take it easy today. We'll be in tomorrow, promise."

"Liar." You huff playfully, making him look up and smile.

He finally grabs the phone, after tying the bow, and he comes and plops down on the couch beside you. Making you bounce once or twice.

"Alright, bye." He says, hanging up. Jackson throws his phone onto the coffee table, and leans his head back against the back of the couch, "I'm glad I'm taking today off too."

"Why?" You ask, tilting your head in wonder, this makes a wide smile come over his face.

"Because I get to spend the day with you three." He grins, snaking his arm around your waist, and resting his hand on your bulging belly.

"Well, you could've just said that, and I wouldn't have fought as hard." You murmur, grabbing the tv remote.

"You didn't even fight at all." He laughs.

"Liar." You repeat, he smiles and kisses your temple, before resting his head on yours.

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