Snowfall - Mark Sloan

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Summary; Reader wakes up to see that it's snowing. And then they wake up Mark to share the enthusiasm.

Warnings; Fluff?

Word Count; 875

Smiling contently, you roll over in Mark's arms. The warmth of his body against yours is enough to make you want to stay there forever. Because as uncomfortable as it looks some of the time, he manages to make everything feel like the best thing ever. Even if it's horrible.

Mark pulls you back slightly, trying to keep you close to him. Probably because you're like a furnace to him during the colder months. Hotter than any heater would be, just because of the body temperature that you always manage to stay at throughout the year.

As much as you'd like to stay in bed with Mark all day, you're awake. Which consequently means that you need to get up and be productive. Even though it is a day off, which happens to be really, really rare during this time of the year. The ice and snow—when it happens—is extremely dangerous so car crashes are more frequent.

"Alright, Mark," You whisper, trying to pry his arms off of you. 

It's easy, his grip isn't as tight as you thought it would be. So, you slide right off of the bed and slam onto the floor on accident. For a second, you think you've woken him up, but there's a sigh, then the creaking of the bed as he turns over.

Pushing yourself up, you rub your arm slightly on your way out of the bedroom and into the main room of the apartment. Your eyes just barely glance off of the window, before you go over to the coffee maker, deciding that was the best thing to get at the moment.

So, while it's preparing, you turn up the heater on the thermostat, no longer warm. If only the blankets could follow you everywhere throughout the apartment, cause maybe then you'd be forever warm.

The heater picks up, and you go over to the window again, expecting it to be the regular street down below. Maybe a line of cars at the stoplight. Sometimes you occasionally count the number of white cars at the light while you wait for your coffee to be made.

There are cars down there, not to get you wrong. But there's also a fine layer of white covering literally everything down there. And more is coming from the sky at the moment.

For a good, solid ten seconds, you're quiet, and in shock. The first snowfall and you've managed to catch it. Not the beginning of it all—which is only slightly a bummer—but it's snowfall if anything.

"Mark!" You shout after the ten uncounted seconds is over.

Hurrying over to the bedroom, you swing the door open, and he's still passed out. If you think he's going to sleep through the entire thing, then you're wrong. Of course, you're going to wake him up. What kind of girlfriend would you be?

Probably a good one, but you both have been talking about the moment and when it would come. Because this year it's a bit later than normal, due to the Earth slowly dying. But, at least it's here! You're excited about that bit.

Fingers crossed that it overstays its welcome.

"Mark!" you should again, this time it wakes him up, and he pushes himself up a little.

"Wha– yeah?" He asks while blinking to try and gain his eyesight. 

"It's snowing!" You cheer, going over to the bed and reaching out for his hand. He doesn't catch the hint, so you lean over the bed, grabbing it, and then tugging him slightly to try and get him to go with you, "Come look! I'm also making coffee."

He rubs his eyes for a couple of seconds before he gets off the bed like you want him to. You also don't have to drag him anymore, he's taking the steps willingly, heavy, but willingly.

Stopping in front of the window, Mark wraps his arms around your stomach, pulling you against his chest while he places his head on top of yours, humming, "It's snow alright."

"Isn't it pretty? Could you imagine a tree now? Or just lights, in general, that'll go along with it?" You place your hand against the window, a sudden vision of the entire apartment being transformed takes over you.

"You know what's pretty?" He asks, still sounding drowsy.

"Hmm?" You hum, going to look at him, but suddenly you're swept off your feet, and you're suspended in the air.

Giggling, you punch Mark's shoulder, it doesn't do anything to him because he's stronger than you are.

"You are," he says, setting you down and giving you a kiss.

"Thanks, I know," You laugh, going over to the coffee machine and grabbing out a couple of mugs, "Do you think Derek will let us go over to his land and let us build snowmen and snow angels?"

"Probably, I'll talk to him," Mark says, grabbing his cup.

You're quiet for a moment or two, thinking about how you could build a snowman, and then the idea of a snow fight pops up in your head all of a sudden, so you turn to Mark again.

"A snowball fight! Mark, think of all the possibilities if we get a lot of snow this year!"

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