Burn Unit - Jackson Avery

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Summary; Reader burns her hand while baking. When Amelia finds out that Jackson's on the case, she isn't very happy.

Warnings; none

Word Count; 1,264 words

Holding your hand, you wince slightly every now and then. The pain from your forearm, to your fingers, is immense. And you really wish you didn't have the pain in the first place.

But, everyone makes mistakes, and yours was accidentally burning yourself with a pan. At first, you grabbed it with your hand, forgetting about the oven mitts. And when you tried to drop it, it had slammed against your forearm.

So, you could say that the odds are simply against you today. As if waking up at four in the morning wasn't bad in the first place, and then following up with getting sick after eating something old.

You did get into the clinic pretty quickly though, which is good. You don't have to wait very long for someone to come and take care of your hand. Hopefully.

"I was paged down here, and there isn't a problem...?" A familiar voice says, and that makes you turn.

There she stands, Amelia Shepherd in all her glory. Though, she doesn't look like she's enjoying herself at the moment. She probably has better things to be doing right now, opposed to standing out here wondering why the hell she's down here in the first place.

You had a nurse page her for you, just because you knew she'd want to see you, and know why the hell you're in here in the first place. It's better to have it come from the horse's mouth.

"Hey, Amelia!" You call, she turns in your direction, eyes searching and then she spots you.

"What– why are you here? Are you okay?" She starts to ask, coming closer while eyeing you to make sure you're fine.

She stops when she sees your arm, face scrunching up and confusion clearly taking over her face, "What did you do?"

"Cookies." you laugh light-heartedly, although it doesn't look like she's enjoying the joke very much, so you slowly stop, "I grabbed the pan with my bare hands, I don't think I'm going to die."

"Doctor Shepherd, I've paged Doctor Avery," A nurse informs her, coming up to her side.

"No, no I'll handle it." Amelia protests, turning to the nurse, "He's not needed –"

"But he's the plastics doctor..." the nurse trails off, making Amelia sigh and turn to you.

Raising your eyebrows at her, you watch as she looks conflicted. A range of emotions crosses her face. First it looks like she's a little angry, and then she's clearly had a mental debate. Thirdly, her face relaxes and she sighs, shaking her head.

"No, tell him that I've got her –"

"I was paged?" 

You'd be lying to yourself if you said he wasn't eye candy. Even more so than that, he's the type of doctor that you see in movies, and decide he isn't real. Just because of how pretty faced he is, and how smooth...

"I've got it covered, Jackson." Amelia hisses, coming over towards you.

Doctor Avery—or Jackson's –face twists, and he moves around her, "Amelia, come on," he pauses, looking over you to find and access the damage. Of course, his eyes land on your hand first, naturally since you're holding it, "she's got burns."

"I don't want you near her," She glares at him, and his face softens, you watch as they stare at each other for a moment.

"If you don't allow me to help her, then her hand might get worse." He threatens, shifting on his feet.

"Amelia, it's just a burn," you shrug, "I'm not gonna get pulled into surgery for a tumor."

"Ha, ha very funny," She grumbles, but moves aside, crossing her arms and standing against the wall, "But I'm staying right here."

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes, grabbing the nearest stool and sitting down.

"I didn't mean to make that joke," you smile at her, and she smiles back.

"Don't worry about it,"

Jackson takes your hand, looking over it carefully, "What did you do?"

You laugh lightly, before shrugging, "Had a battle with a cookie pan. Barehanded."

"You know there's something called oven mitts, right?" Amelia asks sarcastically, you shake your head in response.

"Sometimes, you wish to be a superhero, alright?"

"Yeah well, you might've damaged your hand," Jackson says, touching the skin lightly, and watching your reaction.

You wince in return, going to glare at him, but he isn't paying attention to your expressions anymore, "At least you're here to fix me up, right?"

He looks up just in time to watch you wink at him, making him shake his head now, a small smile forming over his face, "We'll see what I can do,"

Doctor Avery stands up, pushing the stool aside and looking at Amelia, then to you, "I'm going to go get what I need. I'll be right back,"

"Be quick," Amelia says, he turns away and starts to disappear.

You and Amelia watch as he turns the corner. After a couple of seconds of silence, and not looking at her, you shift so you can see her better. Right away, you can see she's staring at you, squinting.

"I see what you're doing." She mutters, still squinting as she crosses her feet, "You're his patient, you can't ask him out."

"Hey –!" You shout, your eyebrows coming together at the accusation. But it doesn't stay like that for long, because she wasn't wrong on your thoughts. He is cute, and you wouldn't mind going on a date with him, but you haven't even done anything just yet. 

All you've done so far is a wink at him, that's the most. Unless she's counting the statement, which wasn't supposed to be taken as flirtatious. More like playful, but she can read you better than you can read yourself at times.

"You're making goo-goo eyes," she clarifies, "And he is too, knock it off."

"Are you –" You start, but she cuts you off from saying the word, thwapping your arm to silence you, "Hey! That's battery!"

"I'm not jealous, he's too young for me." She sighs, rolling her eyes and placing her head on the wall behind her.

"Amelia, we're the same age, what are you talking about?" You ask, face scrunching up, out of the corner of your eye, you see him coming back.

Apparently, she does too, because she turns to you, serious, "I just don't want you getting hurt by him. I've seen the girls he gets with—hell, I'm working with them, I just don't want you –"

"What's going on?" He asks and you shift your eyes from her to him, a smile coming over your face.

"Nothing, how long do you think this will take?" You ask, eyeing him with a new perspective because of the newfound information.

"Well, cleaning it up shouldn't take long, maybe less than an hour. However, your burns are second-degree and they should be there for about two days." He pulls out a bowl, placing it on a table, "Put your hand inside."

"So, I'm assuming you're going to sit with us the entire time?" You ask, placing your hand into the water as requested.

"Until I get paged," He smiles, and you smile back.

"Well, I say we get to know each other a bit... because if you know Amelia, then I've got to know you," you flirt slightly.

"(Y/n)," Amelia warns.

"Go on..." Jackson prompts, making your smile widen into a grin.

"Maybe after we could go on a date?" You ask, using your hand to point at him, "Me and you? No Amelia?"

"Sounds nice," he smirks.

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