I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad.
Summary; Reader spends New Years at the trailer with Derek.
Warnings; ONE swear word
Word Count; 1,169
——-Your frozen fingers wrap the scarf you have around your neck, tighter. Silently, you're kicking yourself for not bringing the gloves that you told yourself to. They're probably sitting on the counter at home, just where you left them so you wouldn't forget them.
But you did because it was a sudden invite from Derek. You honestly thought that you were just going to spend New Year's alone at your place—which you weren't bothered about for the record—and just go to bed early. Who cares about staying up to midnight when you can get a good night of sleep?
Not that you would actually go to bed early anyway. You'd probably end up sitting up, whether you'd like to admit that or not.
However, Derek had invited you over to the trailer that he has in the middle of the hill. The one he bought after Allison cheated on him. He moved here, to this small place...
You don't understand how he survives in this thing. It doesn't even have heating.
Stopping, you realize what you just thought. It doesn't have heating. Your hope of it being warm in there is ruined. The thing doesn't have AC, you know this. So, why did you think it was going to have heating?
A loud, obnoxious groan leaves you, as you approach the door. It doesn't swing open, and you don't barge open, even though you guys are dating. Instead, you knock and wait politely for the door to open.
Hoping that he'll do it quickly so you don't end up as a popsicle out there.
The door swings open right on queue, and the first thing you didn't expect, was a blast of hot air to hit you right in the face. And the smell of cookies... he was baking cookies in this tiny thing.
"(Y/n)!" Derek cheers, brushing his hair back briefly before flashing a wide smile at you, "You made it!"
"Just barely." You chatter, and that's when you realize how freezing you are. Your teeth are chatting against themselves because of the wretched weather. Why does New Years have to be during the winter?
Derek steps back, off to the side, so you go in, shutting the door behind you quickly in an attempt to conserve as much of the warm air as you can. After you've pulled off your jacket and kicked your boots off by the door, the warmth washes over you in waves.
Turning to look at your boyfriend, he smiles at you, before kissing you for a couple of seconds. After pulling away, he goes back to the 'kitchen' area of the place. Which is literally only a step away from where you're at. So, you take a seat at the booth he has, crossing your legs.
Looking at your phone, you see that it's actually nearly midnight. What a coincidence, maybe you'll be able to get a midnight kiss out of him. He probably didn't bother to think about that when inviting you over though.
"Want a cookie?" He asks and you smile softly in response.
"Sure," You shrug, holding out your hands.
He sets a cookie on a paper towel, onto your hands. It's kinda hot, but it's warming your fingers, so you don't move at all. Instead, you just let the warmth seep into your frozen palms. You'll be lucky if the cookie is edible after.
"So, why the sudden invite?" You ask, watching him.
He smiles over his shoulder, making your stomach fill with butterflies, even though it shouldn't because this isn't the first time that he's done this. But it feels like it anyway. And it's like he knows it too, maybe you blush each time that it happens, cause that would be a dead giveaway—even to you.
"Just figured you were awake. Thought we could..." he pauses for dramatic effect, as he opens one of his cupboards, then he moves on to another, also not finding whatever it is. He closes that one too, before turning to you, "I can't find it..."
"Why do you...? Is it supposed to be cold?" You ask, taking a guess, which makes his face light up all of a sudden.
He grins, cupping your face and kissing you briefly, then goes over to the small fridge, pulling out a bottle of champagne.
"I thought we could pop this open. I got it from Mark –"
"Great, it has STD's," You joke, and he looks at you, laughing.
"It's supposed to be good though," He finishes, making you snort.
He grabs the cork thing, preparing it, which makes you cringe. Placing the cookie on the table, you hide in the corner of seat you're on. Somehow trying to retract as many body limbs into yourself as you can manage just so it doesn't hit anything valuable.
Derek laughs at your position, and then it pops open. When you see that the coast is clear, you go to nibbling on the cookie. Watching as the mayhem of the bottle overflowing, unfold.
"Maybe you should've had the glasses prepared," You comment, Derek gives you a playful look while he holds the bottle over the sink with one hand, and he rummages through the cupboards to find cups.
"How would you feel if we drank it out of shot glasses?" Derek asks, you snort, taking a bite out of your cookie, "Hey, it's either that or we drink out of the bottle."
"It's not like we haven't kissed before, Derek. We can share the bottle," You roll your eyes.
He smirks at you, before tilting his head back as he begins to chug most of it.
"Derek, what the fuck?!" You shout, making him stop so he can laugh.
Derek sets the bottle on the table, and you eye it carefully, then you swipe it yourself, looking at what's left of the contents. He got a good quarter of the way through. Impressive.
"I would expect that type of behavior from Mark." You say honestly, looking at him, he shrugs, now sitting across from you at the booth.
"Who do you think he learned it from?" He asks, smiling at you.
"Oh whatever," You huff, before taking a good couple of gulps yourself.
At least you're not going to get drunk immediately. You've developed a strong tolerance, so it's going to take a lot more than a lousy bottle of champagne to get you wasted.
When you set the bottle off to the side, you see that Derek has set the cookies before you two, and he's eating one at the moment. Watching you carefully, taking in every aspect of you. Like you'll melt before his very eyes if he doesn't drink you up.
"Hey, Derek?" You mutter, he looks up at your eyes now, raising his eyebrows in interest for what you have to say, "I love you."
A smile comes over his face again, this time a little wider than it was before a couple of moments ago, "I love you too, (Y/n)."

Greys Anatomy Imagines (COMPLETED)
FanfictionA bunch of Oneshots/headcanon requests I get from *my* tumblr (ilguna).