Near Death Experience - Jackson Avery

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Summary; Reader is having a baby, and in return, she nearly dies for it. And April is NOT happy Jackson wasn't there to help her.

Warning; Swearing, Reader nearly dies.

Word Count; 1,417 words

If there is one thing that you didn't expect to happen when you were older, it was marrying an Avery. Much less, having a child with one. Like now, for example.

You're so glad that you listened to April so long ago about becoming a doctor. Even if you are a couple of years behind her, it's still nice to be one.

However, at the moment, you're not basking in the happiness as much as you wish you were. Right now, there's a pain going through your stomach, and it's worrying you.

"Jackson," you murmur, rolling over slightly and looking at the spot where he sleeps.

Squinting your eyes to see a bit better, you throw your hand out and then pat the spot. But, you find nothing, which makes you stop squinting, and open your eyes a bit more.

Now, since you're more awake, you can see clearly that he's not there at all. Just like you thought. Instead, his side of the blanket is thrown over, and the only thing you're met with is the bedsheet, and his pillow.

"Jackson?" You call out, pushing yourself up. While doing so, a stabbing pain strikes your abdomen, making you cry out in pain.

Half of your mind is telling you to lie down and take it easy, that it'll pass. But the other half is fueling the adrenaline and telling you that something is wrong. 

Listening to that half, you swing your legs over the side of the bed, standing up. When you shuffle your way to the bedroom doorway, you call out to Jackson again. Your fingers fumble along the wall until they miraculously turn the light switch.

When the light switches on, you squint immediately. The light of the room is too much for your eyes after they had adjusted to the dark. 

When you take a step forward to look around the room, you feel your legs slide easily past each other. There's no resistance of skin on skin, which makes you look down, around your belly.

And there, you're met with your entire lower half practically drenched in your own blood. It didn't feel like it was there at all. You felt normal, disregarding the fact that your stomach was cramping like shit.

Your heart jumps to your throat almost immediately. Eyes widening with fear, you turn back to the bedroom you came from, turning the light on in there too. Then you go to your bedside table and grab your phone. There are absolutely no messages from Jackson that would hint at why he left in the middle of the night.

The only notification you do have was from the call you got earlier in the day from April. You called her back of course, and all she really wanted to talk about was her surgery and a guy she has a crush on.

Dialing the number before your brain realizes it, you're on the phone with emergency services. After one single ring, the cliché voice and question greet you.

You answer their question, giving the address and your name. Then you're given permission the hang-up, so you do, and you're about to stand there the entire time when another pain— more painful than the last —comes through your body unexpectedly.

You sit on the bed, your arms around your belling, clutching it like its grounding you when it all hits you.

Your stomach, there's something wrong with the pregnancy. The baby is in danger, and you're in danger of being killed. 

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