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Harper Verum was visibly startled by the question that slipped past Stiles Stilinski's lips and into the silence, her dainty hand snapping away from where it had been fiddling with the bottom of her summer dress. Her boyfriend sent her a sheepish smile as she glanced over at him, silently apologising for making her jump.

"Not really," the short brunette responded before thinking about it harder, "I don't know."

It was honestly hard for her to think straight as the scorching sun went through the windows of the jeep and cast down onto her exposed skin. Even the little material that covered her body felt like too much. She wanted to strip down into her bra and underwear and lay on the roof of the car, however, there seemed to be a lot of creepy men around.

For about two hours now the couple had been cooped up in the jeep, waiting for darkness to cloak the small town they were parked outside. Lydia Martin sat in the back, concentrated on fixing her hair as it became slightly frizzy from the humidity of Mexico's heat. The rest of their friends were out in the town, preparing for the night. It was just a matter of time now.

"We're going to be fine," Stiles reassured her softly, reaching his large hand out and placing it on top of hers.

It was slightly sweaty, but Harper didn't mind. Instead, she sent him a small smile, leaning forwards and pecking his cheek.

The group had noticed how affectionate Harper and Stiles had been towards each other since the whole mess with the Nogistune had blown over, however, nobody said anything to the couple. It was nice to see them so in love and happy with each other, it was actually refreshing after everything that had happened recently.

The others had no idea why, though. Stiles didn't really like to leave Harper alone much after the whole situation at the cliff edge. They hadn't mentioned it since it was obvious Harper didn't want to talk about her moment of weakness with him or anyone for that matter. But that didn't stop him from worrying. After all, he was her boyfriend, it was what he was meant to do.

"What if the plan goes wrong?" The Empath stressed further, "Malia's still pretty new to people and stuff. What if she—"

"Malia will be fine," Stiles promised, "you've spent the last month mentoring her so well, Harps. Between you, Scott and I helping her, I think she'll do well."

Harper swallowed but nodded, sinking back into the chair. She tried to convince herself of Stiles' words, repeating them over and over again in her head.

The werecoyote had enrolled at Beacon Hills High about a week after Allison's death, quickly joining the pack due to her connections with Harper and Stiles. While Scott and Stiles helped her control her supernatural side, Harper taught the taller brunette how to function like a normal human being in society. It had been a long few weeks, but she had done well. Hopefully, it was enough.

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