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DEREK AND HARPER didn't arrive back in Beacon Hills until four in the morning that Monday

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DEREK AND HARPER didn't arrive back in Beacon Hills until four in the morning that Monday. To say that the brunette was tired would be an understatement, yet she still didn't plan on going back home. Derek dropped her off at Stiles' house before driving away, leaving her stood out in the freezing cold. That was enough to wake her up a little.

Instead of knocking the front door and disturbing the two men inside, Harper moved to the tree beside Stiles' window- the same one she had climbed up multiple times before. The breeze blew her hair back as she got level with the window, leaning forwards and looking through.

Just as she expected, Stiles was lying in the centre of his bed, his duvet up to his waist with his phone on his chest. His mouth hung open and one arm was flung above his head. It looked like he had passed out while doing something.

Grunting, Harper dug her fingers underneath the window and slid it up, thankful her boyfriend hadn't locked it. It creaked a little, making her momentarily pause. The wince present on her face subsided as she got the window up the rest of the way with no hassle.

The brunette leaned inside, going arms first as always. She never trusted herself to go legs first- she was always scared that she would fall from the tree. Her weight caused a small thump, making the snores coming from Stiles stop. His eyes fluttered open before widening, surprised to see Harper climbing up off of his floor.

He sat up tiredly, rubbing his eyes, "babe?"

Harper sent him a small smile, "sorry for waking you," she whispered, shrugging off the denim jacket that she was wearing.

She placed it on the back of Stiles' desk's chair, her eyes catching sight of his evidence board. It seemed like he was actually onto something, as not every piece of string was coloured red. She swallowed thickly upon seeing Harry's picture crossed out in red marker, the words 'assassinated' written underneath.

Stiles noticed her stillness and slipped out of the bed, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her collarbone softly. Harper tore her gaze away, a genuine smile taking place as she leaned back, resting on his chest.

"Have you figured anything else out yet?" Harper asked, "I told you that Peter killed The Mute, right?"

Stiles nodded against her, "yeah, and my dad was there. But some girl named Carrie was killed last night- she was a werewolf, we think."

"It's getting worse," Harper chewed down on her lip, "how much are they doing this for?"

"We figured that out too," Stiles pulled out the sheet from his desk- the same one that had all of their names written down, "the numbers beside it. That's how much you're all worth."

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