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 Stiles watched as Parrish began making his way down the hall, growling at the Chimeras and Dr Valack who were stood staring

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Stiles watched as Parrish began making his way down the hall, growling at the Chimeras and Dr Valack who were stood staring. Theo rushed into Harper's room and came back out with her, his nails digging into her neck. Harper gasped slightly, feeling the blood start to trickle down her skin.

The Stilinski boy tensed, anger pooling in his stomach. His jaw clenched. Parrish had little to no connection with Harper, so Theo holding her 'hostage' wouldn't stop him from attacking them. Theo should know that.

"Take him," Theo ordered his pack, his face scrunched up furiously.

"The guy's on fire!" Corey disclaimed nervously.

"Do it," he ordered.

Stiles didn't watch as Tracy and Josh ran up to Parrish. They stood no chance when he was in his Hellhound form.

Stiles' eyes were concentrated on Harper in Theo's grip, and he found himself standing up. Maybe he was crazy, but he wasn't going to sit around and watch Harper get hurt.

"Theo, this isn't working!" Josh yelled, just as Valack crawled over to the Theo, drilling a hole into his leg.

Theo released Harper, screaming in pain. The brunette girl fell forward, landing on her hands and knees as she breathed heavily. Valack climbed up to slam the tool against Theo's face, knocking him out.

"Sorry, Theo," Valack sneered, "but I'm not done with my daughter just yet."

Valack grabbed Harper by the arms, hauling her off of the floor. She winced in pain, her head aching as she was whirled around. Her father's face dropped when he came face to face with Stiles.

"Sti," she whispered, her voice breaking.

Her boyfriend reached for her just as Parrish chucked Corey. The Chimera went flying like a ball of fire, but Valack ducked out of the way just in time, Harper tucked under his arms. Harper watched helplessly as Stiles crashed to the ground, struggling to push Corey off.

Valack picked her up like she was still a child, rushing past Stiles who was thrashing on the ground. She mouthed his name, but all of the yelling was making her head sting. Her father stormed through a door, slamming it just as Stiles arrived.

Looking past his shoulder, Harper saw the outline of Stiles' hand as it frantically smacked against the gap of glass.

"Harper!" Stiles screamed desperately, banging his entire body against the door over and over again. "No, Harper! Hey! Harper!" The door rattled but didn't budge. "Harper!"

"Stiles," she sobbed, her hand reaching out towards the door as if she could do something.

She was already way too far away.

His screams made her heart shatter in her chest and she felt the bile rise in her throat. The banging on the door didn't stop, at least, not until she was long gone.

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