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HARPER HUFFED FOR the millionth time as she laid back against the hospital bed, her finger going up to gently touch the cut on her slightly-swelled bottom lip

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HARPER HUFFED FOR the millionth time as she laid back against the hospital bed, her finger going up to gently touch the cut on her slightly-swelled bottom lip. She wished she was doing something to help right now, but as soon as Lydia had told the medics that Harper had been punched, she had been taken straight to the hospital.

"It's not even that bad," she muttered sourly to Melissa who was cleaning up the table next to Harper, "it doesn't hurt anymore."

The nurse turned around, sighing at her foster daughter. "You have a concussion, Harper, you're gonna need a CT scan. You're staying right here where I can see you."

A CT scan- something that was going to cost Melissa yet more money. Harper didn't mention this, she was sure Melissa already knew and would also say that it wasn't up for discussion whether she went through with it or not.

Maybe one good thing had come out of the whole Eichen trip, though. Some high officials, Harper was too dazed to catch their names, had offered money as an apology for one of their Orderly's basically trying to kill her, but Harper had asked for them to pay off Stiles' debt instead. She wasn't sure whether they would be able to go through with it or not- they said they'd see what they could do. But at least she had tried.

The brunette stared up at the ceiling above her head, already bored out of her mind at the thought of staying in this room any longer. She'd taken the tape that had Lorraine's death on it and needed to get home so she could show it to Stiles-maybe he'd be able to figure something out that she and Lydia couldn't.

"Melissa," Harper called as the curly-haired woman started to leave, "please may you bring me a smoothie from one of the vending machines?"

The mother-figure smiled, "of course, Harper."


HARPER'S PHONE RANG on the table next to her bed, making her flinch. She rolled over, not surprised to see that it was Stiles calling her. Lydia would have told Scott by now, who had probably told Stiles- which wasn't actually an ideal situation at this moment in time. While Harper wanted nothing more than to cuddle up in her boyfriend's arms, she knew he wasn't going to be happy when he saw her.

She let the phone ring until it stopped from his end, but he started calling again. Harper pursed her lips together as she stared at the icon she had set for him, her resistance automatically becoming weaker. It was still him with that stupid buzzcut that she adored so much, a grin on his face as he held his hand up to the camera to try to stop her taking the photo. She'd set it before they'd even started dating.

The ringing died out again, leaving her in silence. Harper swung her legs over the edge of the bed, resting her head in her hands as she wondered what the hell she was doing.

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