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Stiles' eyes widened as a pair of large hands clamped down on his shoulders, preventing him from struggling

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Stiles' eyes widened as a pair of large hands clamped down on his shoulders, preventing him from struggling. His hand reached out to grab Harper's as Severo began to pull Stiles from his seat. The Empath turned in her chair, grabbing onto her boyfriend's wrist.

"Stiles," she called as her boyfriend was tugged harshly away from her, "where are you taking him?"

Araya couldn't get a word in before Stiles began to yell at the man in his usual Stiles manner. His long legs dragged on the floor underneath him, refusing to cooperate as the man placed his arms underneath Stiles. They got to the doorway before Stiles managed to grab the frame.

"Let me go," he yelled, "don't touch them."

Harper swallowed her fear as Stiles was pulled one last time, his body disappearing, his calls now just an echo in the hallway. The door slammed, immediately cutting off any noise Stiles or Severo had been making. Lydia quickly grabbed her best friend's hand, squeezing it.

"What do you want with us?" Lydia snapped, her jaw clenched.

Araya smiled almost creepily, "why don't the three of us ladies have a chat somewhere else. Somewhere a little nicer, eh?"

Harper and Lydia exchanged nervous glances, knowing for a fact that Araya wasn't asking them, she was telling them.


HARPER WAS SHOCKED TO FIND THAT WHEN THEY LEFT THE CLUB IT WAS MORNING. The sun was high in the sky, beaming down on her back as she sat down on the garden chair on the porch of the Calaveras' property. She'd shrugged off Stiles' plaid shirt as she sat beside Lydia, looking around with nervous brown eyes.

People were going about their business while the two men from outside the club last night guarded the two girls, guns in their hands as they made sure none of the public came towards them. Lydia kept a protective hand on Harper's leg as Araya walked over, taking a seat on the other side of the small table.

A basket of fruits, bread and cheeses sat in the middle, however, Harper daren't touch any of it- not that she wanted to anyway. Araya placed a cup down in front of her and started pouring tea from a ceramic teapot.

"I must admit," Araya began, placing the pot down beside her, "I don't have very much experience with banshees."

"That makes two of us since I don't have much experience being one," Lydia replied shortly, trying to get across to the hunter that she was barely a threat.

Araya chuckled a little, squinting her eyes at Harper, "and what about you?"

Harper shook her head, "I'm not a banshee."

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