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"Oh, I should have got a haircut," Sheriff Stilinski sighed, holding a mirror up to his face as he ran a hand through his greying hair, trying to push it back off of his forehead the best he could.

Stiles shrugged. "Well, you know, someone your age should be thankful they still have hair to cut."

"I think you look great," Scott beamed.

Harper nodded from beside him eagerly, "yeah, very handsome."

The brunette could feel the anxiety that he was experiencing, causing her to send him a sympathetic look. After years of mourning over his late wife, Sheriff Stilinski was finally going out on a date. It had to be terrifying when he hadn't been with anybody in so long.

"Well, thank you, children I should have had," Noah looked over at his son's best friends, making them both smile at Stiles who blinked, "oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea!"

Noah reached for the tie around his neck, his fingers starting to loosen it so that he could tug it off. Stiles reached out, grabbing his hand before he could complete the action.

  "What... Dad," his son shook his head, "dad. This is one date, okay? The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman." He paused, shooting him a suggestive look, "or man."

"It's a woman, Stiles," Noah insisted as he calmed down, starting to become shy again, "a very beautiful woman."

"So... who is this beautiful woman, by the way?" Stiles asked.

"None of your business," he smiled, "none of your businesses."

"Oh, come on, Sheriff," Harper attempted to persuade him, shooting him the flattering smile that normally made her get her way— or at least it did with Stiles— "if you tell us who she is, maybe we can give you some tips. Or just me. I know what ladies like, after all."

It almost looked like Noah was about to cave in, a twinkle in his blue eyes before he shook his head and chuckled. Before he could come back at her with a witty remark, Harper's entire face twisted, her eyes moving slowly over to the door where the blinds had been drawn.

"What is it?" Noah asked, his face falling when he noticed the way her lips had parted, an unsure expression written across her face.

Harper hesitated, not wanting to ruin the mood that Noah was in. Scott and Stiles both turned to look at her with concern, so she spilt.

"Someone out there's mad- like, really mad," the brunette pursed her lips. 

As if on cue, a deep, masculine voice began to yell. "Stilinski! Stilinski!"

The Sheriff sighed, opening the door to his office and stepping out into the main department. A boy around Harper's age was being held back by Deputy Parrish and a female deputy and he appeared to be furious.

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