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   Harper, Stiles, Theo, Isaac and Deaton ran behind Scott through the police station, coming to a sharp halt when the Alpha noticed the crimson liquid smeared across the floor. Cautiously, he opened the door, revealing what had happened.

Stiles pushed past the others, rushing over to his dad who was being helped up from the floor by a Deputy. The brunette moved into the office, her heart dropping when she found what she had been suspecting.

Lydia was sprawled across the floor, a bloody wound on the side of her stomach. Kira glanced up from where she was applying pressure to the paralysed girl, thankful to see her friends. But Harper had barely noticed the Kitsune, she was too horrified at the pained expression on Lydia's pale, sweaty face.

"Lydia," she cried, just as Stiles appeared behind her.

"Oh my god," he moved to help, but Theo pushed through, sliding his belt off.

They watched with wide eyes as the new werewolf quickly placed the belt around her, trying to help stop the blood flowing. He tightened it around her, making the strawberry blonde's face scrunch up and turn.

Before Harper could jump in to comfort her, hands pushed Stiles and Harper away from each other, causing their heads to snap to the cause. Mrs Martin stumbled through, her blue eyes glassy as she took in the appearance of her daughter.

"Oh god!" She breathed, rushing over and kneeling by her head while Lydia gasped.

"Harper," Stiles grabbed her wrist urgently, "Scott and Isaac found something."

The brunette looked back at the girl who had been one of her best friends for years now. Her heart hammered in her chest as she looked between Lydia and Stiles. An ambulance was wailing outside and Lydia did have three people surrounding her.

"It's okay, she's alright," Theo reassured her, but Harper didn't want to listen to him.

"Go," Lydia was smiling at her, despite everything. "Harper, I'm fine. Help Tracy. Go."

"Harper," Stiles tried again, a sympathetic gleam in his hazel eyes.

He was worried about Lydia too; he'd grown to consider her one of his closest friends over the past couple of years. And while he didn't appreciate the fact that she has a crush on his girlfriend, he had to give her credit— she had good taste.

"Lydia's gonna be okay," he murmured as Harper finally detached herself from the scene.

The couple ran to the back, going down the stairs of the basement in order to follow Scott and Isaac. They found Malia amongst a mess, and much to everybody's dismay, Tracy's body was slumped against the floor.

"Is she..." Isaac began.

Malia swallowed thickly. "I didn't do it."

"What the hell happened to her?" Sheriff Stilinski remanded to know, bending down to the girl.

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