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THE CAR RIDE TO THE HOSPITAL HAD BEEN A LITTLE AWKWARD, TO SAY THE LEAST. Harper and Isaac had been crammed into the back of the jeep beside Liam, while Scott and Stiles sat in the front as always. No music played as the car radio had been wrecked for a while now, leaving the five teenagers in dead silence. Well, dead silence apart from the whimpers that Liam made every now and then, a reminder of what Scott had done to him.

Harper didn't know if she trusted Liam yet or not. He seemed alright, but Stiles was right- this kid did seem too good to be true, just like how Harper had thought with Harry when she started receiving letters from him. If only she had gone with her gut instinct, then she wouldn't have been thrown into Eichen House or had her heart broken again. She also wouldn't know her dad was alive, and she couldn't decide whether that was a good thing or not. At least she knew the truth now.

As soon as the jeep pulled up in the hospital car park, the five teenagers got out of it as if it were on fire, none of them able to handle the awkwardness any longer. Isaac and Scott helped Liam out of the back, letting him put his arms around their shoulders so they could walk him in. Stiles and Harper opened all of the doors for them, up until they got to the main desk.

"Hey, we're gonna need to see a doctor. Our... friend, here, has hurt his ankle. Could be sprained, could be broken," Stiles told the woman behind the front desk, gesturing towards Liam who's face was currently screwed up in pure agony.

"Mom!" Harper heard the nervous chuckle of Scott, causing her head to turn.

Melissa had just come around the corner with a disappointed look on her face, huffing when she saw what her son had brought in. She just prayed that this had nothing to do with the supernatural as she went and got a wheelchair for the poor kid.

"If he was a werewolf he would have healed by now," Harper murmured quietly to Stiles as she watched Melissa come back with the required equipment.

"How do you know about my theory?" Stiles questioned, slightly shocked.

"Kira told me," the petite brunette shrugged, "and to be honest, I'm a little offended that you didn't think to tell me first. I mean, seriously, Kira? You didn't even trust her a few months ago."

"Well, Scott wasn't listening to me. And, listen, I wanted to tell you, I just..." Stiles scratched the back of his neck as he admitted, "I didn't want to put too much on your plate."

Harper's eyes softened, "what do you mean?"

"Well," he swallowed, "I know we haven't talked about what happened yet, but I don't want you to end up in that place again. Okay? Mentally and physically. With exams coming up, looking out for Malia, the whole Kate thing... I didn't want you to worry about something else."

Harper grabbed his hand and squeezed it, "Stiles, I can handle more than you probably think. I don't really want to talk about that night either, but... I feel better now."

"I'm glad," he whispered, leaning down and kissing the top of her head, "do you think you'll ever be ready to talk about it?"

"One day," Harper agreed quietly.

Isaac cleared his throat, ruining the moment. Harper and Stiles both looked up, Stiles rolling his whiskey eyes at the much taller werewolf.

"If you two are done reciting your little sonnet to each other in the corner," he mocked, "I have to go. I promised Malia I would help her study."

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