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"No, Scott, you're doing it all wrong," Kira sighed from next to her boyfriend, gently taking the pencil from his hand and erasing the mistake he had made.

Scott groaned from where he sat at the head of the table, watching as Kira sketched out the diagram correctly. Malia raised her eyebrows from where she was sat with Isaac, the two of them having no idea why anybody would put themselves through the pain of AP Biology.

Harper was opposite the newest couple, her earplugs in as she tapped her pencil on the edge of the table, concentrating on the work in front of her while listening to her newest playlist.

A hand clamped down on her shoulder, making her practically jump out of her skin. The gasp that came from her lips made someone turn around and shush her— saying something about the library rules.

She glanced up, glaring slightly at Stiles who was leaning across her to slap something in the middle of the table. Everybody leaned closer to get a better look.

"So you found something?" Scott sounded surprised.

"Another signature," Stiles confirmed as Harper pulled her earplugs out, putting them next to the book she had been copying notes into, "this is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket eight years ago."

He pointed at the other piece of paper. "Now this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago."

Harper frowned, "how did you get his transfer form?"

Scott looked at him disappointedly. "Did you break into the Administration Office?"

Stiles felt a little offended that his two best friends were ganging up on him, but to fair they had all the reasons to— it was true, after all.

"No, I did not break into the Administration Office," he lied, breaking as Scott raised his eyebrows at him, "okay. I might have broken into the Administration Office— can we just focus on the signatures please?"

"What about them?" Isaac scoffed, taking his arm away from where it had been on Malia's chair to cross against the table as he leaned forwards.

"They're different," Stiles insisted.

Malia pursed her lips after staring at them for a few moments. "They're sort of different."

"They're completely different!" The Stilinski boy exclaimed, "come on. Look. The garlands don't even match, the undulations f the sinuous stroke totally off. And look- look at this. Perfect example of the Criminal Tremor."

Harper's lips were partly agape while everybody else looked at him like he was crazy. Maybe he was.

"Stiles, that wasn't even English," his girlfriend exaggerated, "and why are you looking into his parents now?"

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