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    "The Dread Doctors by T

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"The Dread Doctors by T.R. McCammon," Harper read out loud as she entered the school building in between Lydia and Malia the next morning.

Something about the green book that the werecoyote had shoved into her hands just a couple of seconds earlier seemed oddly familiar, but she didn't know what it was. Harper realised that she may have read it before- back in her early teen years when she had nothing better to do than just read and draw or hang out with Scott and Stiles.

Lydia paused in the middle of the hallway as she stared at the cover. It was just three people in what looked like masks- she guessed they were the Dread Doctors.

Malia frowned. "What?"

"I don't know..." The strawberry blonde carried on walking. "There's just something about it. Has anyone actually read it yet?"

"Just me," Malia replied. "And I didn't understand a word of it."

Harper grinned slightly. "English is where my forte lies, but maybe we should all read it. Get a bunch of perspectives on it, y'know?"

Malia nodded. "Isaac's already working on that. And Stiles said he couldn't find anything on the author. He thinks it's a pen name."

Harper found the playful smile leaving her face, her heart skipping a beat at the mention of the boy that hadn't really been talking to her since last night.

Sure, it was a short amount of time to some, but he had dismissed all of her questions with blunt replies and barely looked at her... It made her feel like she had done something wrong. She hadn't had time to confront him about it yet since he was off school ill.

"'In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive'," Lydia read the description on the back, Harper's eyes slightly widening at the correlation it had with their current lives.

Just last night, Tracy's body had been stolen from the animal clinic. Not only that, but Corey, a boy who had been in hospital last night after an attack from a Chimera, had also died- but his body had been taken from the morgue too. It was chilling stuff, and also something that nobody could work out.

Harper read the rest. "'Days later, they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading terror, commanded by an ancient order to parascientists known only as the Dread Doctors.'"

"Sounds vaguely familiar," Lydia remarked. "How does it end?"

"It doesn't," Malia deadpanned. "This is supposed to be volume one."

"Where's volume two?" Harper asked.

"Let me guess, there isn't one," the strawberry blonde to her left rolled her eyes.

"I think we're living volume two," Malia insisted.

"Then maybe the real question is, is this a novel or someone's prediction?"

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