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  Harper didn't sleep a wink last night

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Harper didn't sleep a wink last night. All she could think about was her father and everything that he had told her, his voice burning her brain. His last words were demanding that she and her friends read his book, but she honestly wasn't sure that she wanted to. Valack had told her that it would be different for her, and she had no clue what that meant. Good different or bad different? Knowing Harper's luck, it was probably the latter one.

The brunette packed the concealer on under her eyes, pressing it down with the tips of her fingers just as Malia came into the room. Harper wasn't shocked to find that the werecoyote had just wandered in. At the start, it was so that she could sleep in the same bed as Harper, but now that Malia had Isaac it was for him. However, the Tate girl still liked to visit her closest friend.

"Hey," the short-haired girl greeted quietly, knowing exactly what kind of mood Harper was in.

The entire pack had been informed via a group chat that Harper wasn't involved in last night, and so they all promised to look out for her as much as they could without totally smothering her. Malia could sense Harper's tiredness, making her frown a little as she took a seat on the end of her bed.

"Hey, Malia," Harper managed a small smile, pressing the last of her concealer in.

Harper moved over to her bag while the werecoyote sat in silence, looking around the room for anything to spark conversation. Her eyes landed on all of the polaroids that Harper had pinned to one of her noticeboards, a smile crossing her face when she saw some of herself.

She glanced back at the Empath, her smile dropping when she realised that Harper was having a hard time doing up the laces of her white pumps.

Quickly, Malia moved down and brushed Harper's shaking hands away, kneeling in front of her while she tied them up. Harper stared at her for a few moments, saying nothing as she pursed her lips.

"Thanks," Harper swallowed thickly, not meeting Malia's eye as the werecoyote glanced up at her.

Malia sighed as she moved to the other shoe, not replying.

"Why are your hands shaking?" She asked once she had finished, standing up so that she more than Harper's height again.

Harper shrugged. "I don't know."

"Did you sleep okay last night?" Malia questioned, one brow raised.

"Yeah, yeah. It was fine," the brunette lied.

Malia glanced over at Harper's bed, finding that it was pristine. The covers weren't turned over like aways and there was no dent in the pillows. Her scent didn't linger there and Malia knew that was because Harper hadn't even gotten into the bed last night. She chose not to say anything though, since the last thing anyone needed was Harper being upset with the pack.

"Right," Malia nodded warily before remembering why she entered the room in the first place, her eyes lighting up. "Well, you left your phone downstairs, and Stiles called. He says he's on his way to pick you up."

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