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STILES STUMBLED INTO the bathroom early the next morning, rubbing his eyes using the backs of his hands

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STILES STUMBLED INTO the bathroom early the next morning, rubbing his eyes using the backs of his hands. For the first time in a long time he had managed to have a good sleep, barely any of the worries of the dead pool infiltrating his dreams. He'd been pretty tired after the way he and Harper had chosen to celebrate, too.

Immediately, the Stilinski boy felt much more awake when his eyes landed on the girl herself. She stood at the sink in a bra and her underwear, her earphones in while she brushed her teeth, not yet having noticed her boyfriend enter. Stiles smirked a little as he approached her, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

Harper jolted a little, her eyes snapping up into the mirror before she smiled at him. Stiles smiled back sleepily, tucking her hair out of the way of her neck before pressing gentle kisses there. The muffled sounds of some alternative band came from Harper's earplugs, but he didn't know who they were.

While Stiles was more All Time Low, Harper was more The Neighbourhood. Neither hated each other's music tastes though- in fact, since they had started discovering what they liked around age thirteen, it was nonstop playlist sharing between the two, even to this day.

Harper spat out the toothpaste and took an earbud out, turning around so that her front was now pressed against his. Stiles had climbed out of bed only sporting his boxers, not that she was complaining. Her hands went from around his neck to down his chest, the tips of her fingers resting just below his collarbones.

"G'morning," she reached up to press her lips against his.

Stiles pulled away, the smile not leaving his face, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

Rolling her eyes, the brunette moved her arms back around his neck and pulled him back down so he was more level with her five foot one figure. Stiles grinned against her lips, his large hands flat against her bare back as he held her close too. Harper honestly didn't care that Stiles hadn't brushed his teeth, and to be honest, she could only really taste the mint from her own breath.

"I could get used to you walking around in just your bra and panties," Stiles admitted, pulling away to press their foreheads against each other, "and waking up to you in my bed."

"Well, that's all in the vision right?" Harper raised her brows, "you, me, and Scott sharing a flat when we go to college?"

Stiles grinned harder, bopping her nose adorably, "glad you see the vision too."

Harper shook her head, "I love the vision."

"Just no walking around half naked with Scott around," he declared, making Harper chuckle.

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