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Pulling back Tracy's eyelid, Deaton shone a torch into her dark eye, observing it with a stern expression. Harper watched with her arms folded, her back slightly pressed against Stiles' chest. The younger teenage girl was breathing heavily, a thin layer of sweat coating her body. Some of the mercury had been cleaned off of her face, but it still stained the edge of her mouth.

"Pupils dilate under normal conditions," Deaton muttered, checking her pulse, "heart rate is 250. Evidence of allogeneic skin graft on the right shoulder. Now, this silvery substance on her lips is not something I've seen. It almost looks like mercury."

"It is," Harper's brows furrowed, making everybody look at her. "well, that's what I was thinking, anyway. Mercury is the only liquid metal."

Tracy's body suddenly jolted, making everybody jump back a little. Harper found herself pressed further against her boyfriend's chest, his large hands moving up to hold her arms out of instinct.

"Can't you just give her a shot of something?" Malia asked.

"She doesn't look to be in any pain," Deaton spoke.

Isaac frowned. "She's panting like she's sick."

Malia shook her head, "I meant a shot to kill her."

Harper pursed her lips, shaking her head slightly at the ground. Most of the time Malia seemed to take on board the pack's no killing policy, but sometimes she would suggest macabre scenarios that would make the Empath shudder.

"I generally prescribe to a code of ethics that frowns on such measures," Deaton reminded her calmly, not at all disturbed by the werecoyote's straightforwardness.

"Malia, you know we're not gonna do that," Scott added.

"How do you know she's not gonna kill us?" Malia asked, making Isaac raise his eyebrows, clearly suggesting that his girlfriend had a point.

"Yeah, what she said," the blue-eyed boy agreed, "I don't particularly fancy ending up like her dad or her psychiatrist."

Stiles sighed. "Either way, we're gonna have to let my dad know she's here."

"Agreed," Deaton nodded, "and while I may argue against euthanasia, I'm not opposed to a little..." He picked up a jar. "Extra security."

Harper realised it was mountain ash as the veterinarian flipped off the lid and sprayed Tracy's body and the rest of the room with the grey powder. It quickly collected around the edge of the room in a neat line- like magic. Stiles stared at it with furrowed brows.

"Don't worry, Stiles," Deaton spoke up upon noticing the teenage boy's face. "Tracy won't be able to cross a line of mountain ash. She's not going anywhere."

"Yeah, that's kind of what I'm afraid of," Stiles admitted.

"Well, you, Harper and I will be able to get out of here no problem. You three- not so much," he glanced over at Malia, Isaac and Scott.

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