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Harper glanced up from her homework, finding her boyfriend already staring at her. His brows were furrowed very slightly, his hazel eyes scanning her face for the slightest reaction or answer. A small giggle escaped her lips and she cocked her head to the side, smiling at Stiles in amusement. Stiles loved whenever she would do that.

Tapping her pen against her lips, she replied, "you listen to one of my playlists and suddenly you've gotten deep."

Stiles chuckled back, "must have been that Jaymes Young song you put in there."

Harper laughed, shaking her head as she flipped the page of the book she was annotating for her English class. Stiles was meant to be doing the same, however, he was about eight pages behind simply from getting distracted by his own girlfriend's beauty. And as he sat there and stared at her- he realised she must be it. Harper must be the real thing for him.

"No, but seriously," he shuffled from where he had been laying on his stomach so he was propped up on his side, his hand supporting his head so he could look at her clearer, "do you believe in soulmates?"

Pursing her lips, Harper thought for a second and shut her book, "I don't know."

Stiles' face fell a little, "you don't know if you believe in soulmates?"

"I don't know!" Harper repeated, giggling as she shoved him for the serious look on his face, "why are you asking me this?"

"Well... I was just thinking, right?" He began, "don't you believe that there's someone out there for everyone? That for every person that there is on this world, someone out there was made for them. And they match each other so perfectly and the universe pushes them together for a reason?"

A heavy silence filled the room as Harper thought about what he had said for a few seconds. She hummed along.

"I think it's a nice idea," she agreed, "very romantic."

"But true?"

"I don't know," she repeated for the third time that night, "I hope it's true, anyway. I believe maybe my grandparents were soulmates, but definitely not my parents," she paused, "do you think Scott and Allison were soulmates?"

Stiles' chest ached at the thought, thinking about his best friend and the girl that his best friend had loved so deeply. The girl who had saved their asses multiple times but ended up getting killed anyway.

"I think so," he murmured, "but that's not to say Scott won't ever find love again."

Harper nodded, "I think he really likes Kira."

"Yeah," Stiles agreed before realising he had become distracted by what he really wanted to ask her, "and... what do you think about us?"

Harper's eyes softened, a tiny smile covering her face, "if soulmates aren't real then you and I are an anomaly, Sti."

Stiles grinned back, "you mean it?"

"Of course, stupid," her hand reached out and she stroked her fingers against his jaw, admiring his beauty, "I love you so much. I don't actually know how I got so lucky with you."

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