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Harper stood beside Scott inside the animal clinic, a little nervous to see whoever was underneath the body bag lying on the metal slab in the centre of the room. Theo and Stiles had brought it in, saying that they had found a dead Chimera with his throat ripped out.

Without hesitation, Scott ripped off the material, revealing a boy around their age with, indeed, a ripped out throat. Blood was splattered everywhere, making flashes of red flash in Harper's vision- like some sort of slideshow that was too blurry to make out. She flinched, stumbling back a little. It felt like she was about to slip into another hallucination, but for whatever reason, she didn't.

"Do you know him?" Theo asked.

Scott nodded solemnly. "His name's Josh. He was a junior."

Harper looked at Josh sadly, but Stiles reached across and gently pulled the sheet back over his body as if he couldn't even stand to look at him anymore.

Harper didn't blame him.

The slashes across Josh's neck were brutal. Whoever had slashed it had meant to kill him, that was for sure.

"Which one did it?" The brunette frowned, glancing up at them.

"The one with the cane?" Scott questioned further.

"Yeah," was all Theo said.

"What are we gonna do with him?" Stiles' eyes darted to Scott, which was somewhat strange since he was always the one that came up with the answers to situations like this. "We can't just set the alarm and leave. That's how Tracy disappeared. Someone's gotta stay here with him."

Theo sighed. "I'll do it," he suggested, making everybody stare at him. "It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned out."

Scott's phone began to vibrate in his back pocket. The werewolf pulled the device out, his eyes gaping at whatever was on the screen. He held the phone away from him in disbelief.

"Scott, what's happened?" Harper asked nervously.

"Another one," he gulped back. "Another Chimera."


"Why was she in my bedroom?" Harper hissed quietly at Liam as he guided them to where Hayden, the new Chimera, had locked herself.

"I don't know! Your room is the nicest when I realised Scott wasn't home I thought I'd let her sit on your bed instead of his," Liam panicked. "But she just locked herself in the bathroom and she's not speaking to me now."

"Wonder why," Stiles muttered sarcastically under his breath.

Ignoring the bickering going on behind him, Scott made his way over to the bathroom door and tapped on it with his knuckles gently. No response came from Hayden.

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