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"So, you ran a background check, and all you found was a speeding ticket?" Malia summarised as she walked up the stairs next to Stiles and Harper.

"Speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago," nodded the Stilinski boy.

Harper frowned, "I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with anything, Sti?"

Instead of carrying on the conversation while walking, Stiles paused and turned around, stepping in front of the two teenage girls.

"Who speeds?" He asked and Harper went to open her mouth, but he answered before her. "People trying to get away from something."

"Well, how many tickets do you have?" Malia asked, making the corners of Harper's lips twitch up into a knowing smile.

Stiles didn't think as he lied, "none."

"That's because your dad gets you out of all of them," Harper chuckled, "you have fifteen, if I remember correctly."

The hazel-eyed boy winced, "it's seventeen now."

Malia sent him a pointed look that made him shut his mouth. He looked between both girls, as if desperate for them to say they believed him.

Harper just didn't understand why he hated this boy so much. Theo Raeken seemed okay to her, and he had tried to help Scott— who remembered him. That's not to say she wanted to accept him with open arms, she just thought they should hear him out a little more.

"I don't know, Stiles," huffed the werecoyote, "I mean, I see why you're worried. He's really hot. He's got like great hair, perfect body. You should definitely feel threatened. Every girl's dream."

Harper's brows pulled together while Stiles blinked and began to splutter.

"Yeah, I definitely do. Now more than ever!" He rolled his eyes before looking at his girlfriend, "Do you think he's really hot?"

Harper pursed her lips. "This is a trap."

"No, it's a question," he put on an annoyingly sweet tone, but his eyes said otherwise. He almost looked crazy.

"Well, he's not ugly," the brunette shrugged, "but he's definitely not my type."

Stiles nodded, "good." His jaw was still slightly clenched.

"You want me to torture him?" Malia asked, "I'm pretty sure I can take him."

"No, I do not want you to torture him," Stiles huffed, "I have a plan and there are steps to doing this right."

"A plan?" The Empath repeated.

"We get the story, verify the facts. Find the piece that doesn't fit and... and catch him in the act. That's how you do it," he explained before his eyes drifted behind her head.

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