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HARPER HAD HER EYES CLOSED, HER HEAD TILTED BACK AS SHE BATHED IN THE SUN COMING THROUGH THE JEEP WINDOWS. As somebody who had been brought up in England, a little bit of sun was always valued. Maybe moving to California should have changed her, but it hadn', she still soaked up every little bit she could get.

The wheels rumbled on the dirt roads beneath her, a slightly awkward silence filling the jeep, although the brunette chose to sit back and ignore it. Stiles sat next to her in the driver's seat, of course, while Malia, Kira and Lydia all sat in the back in silence. Her boyfriend had a stern eye on Braeden's bike as he followed it, occasionally looking in his mirror back at Scott and Isaac who were following on their bikes.

"Okay, I'll ask," Malia sat forward, her head through the seats in between the teenage couple, "who's Kate Argent?"

Harper cracked open an eye, almost jumping in surprise when she saw how close the other girl was to her. She sat up straight, peeking back at Kira who also raised her hand nervously.

"Um, I'd like to know, too," the Japanese girl requested shyly.

Stiles looked back at them in the mirror, "well, Harper, Scott and I were at her funeral. So, I would like to know how she got out of the casket that was buried six feet underground."

Harper sighed, her elbow resting on the door of the jeep while her hand massaged her forehead, finally having enough of the heat.

"She must have never been in it to start off with," the Empath scoffed, "you know, the cemetery owner clearly isn't very good at making sure the bodies are actually in the coffins. My dad, Kate. Who's next?"

Kira's brows furrowed, "wait, what happened with your dad?"

"Long story," Harper murmured distastefully, "he's locked up now, don't worry about it."

There was a pause before Lydia answered Malia's original question, "she was Allison's aunt. And a total sociopath."

The deceased hunter's name seemed to ring in Harper's ears a second too long, her lips pursing together as she looked out at the miles of deserts surrounding them. Images of the dream she had had yesterday flooded her brain, and similar ones like that. It seemed since the girl had died, she had appeared in Harper's dreams- her and Lydia, that is. Never anybody else.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Kira's eyes softened upon seeing how the three original members' of Scott's pack had reacted to Kate.

"Um, yes, they do," Malia protested.

"All right, Kate was the one who set the fire that killed most of Derek's family," Stiles began to explain.

"Some of the Hale's survived," Harper added, "Cora, Laura, Peter."

"A very angry Peter," Lydia scoffed.

"He's the one that bit and turned Scott the night before sophomore year," the Empath continued, "and then he bit me a few weeks later."

"And he's the one who caught up to Kate and killed her," the strawberry blonde recalled what everybody had told her, despite being in the hospital unconscious when it had happened, "or supposedly."

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